Consumer Publications

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: November ​15​, 2023​

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Auto Insurance | Consumer's Guide (PI-057) 
Explains the types of coverage provided in an auto insurance policy, how to shop for insurance, and collision damage waiver coverage for rental cars.

Seguros de Automóvil 
| Guía del Consumidor (PI-157)
Explica los tipos de cobertura proporcionados en una póliza de seguro de automóvil, cómo comprar un seguro y la cobertura de exención de daños por colisión para automóviles de alquiler.

Auto Insurance - Frequently Asked Questions (PI-233)
Frequently asked questions about auto insurance policies, Wisconsin's Financial Responsibility Law, the claims process, cancellation/nonrenewal, and more. 

Share with Care: Understanding the Insurance Risks of the Sharing Economy (PI-235)
Provides information on important insurance considerations for home-sharing, ride-sharing, and more.

Teenagers and Auto Insurance (PI-200)
Provides information on buying car insurance, saving money, and how underage drinking affects your insurance premium.

Tips for Saving on Auto Insurance (PI-218)
A number of factors contribute to the price insurance companies charge for auto insurance. Here are some tips to remember when trying to get the best value for auto insurance.

Other Vehicles 
Learn about insuring boats, atvs/utvs, golf carts, motorcycles, personal watercrafts, and recreational vehicles.

Vehicle Theft Prevention
In the United States, a vehicle is stolen every 39 seconds. Help reduce theft of and from vehicles with these tips.

Long-Term Care

Companies Offering Long-Term Care Insurance Policies or Riders in Wisconsin (PI-046)
Lists insurance companies indicating that they offer in Wisconsin long-term care insurance policies or riders.

Long-Term Care
 | Consumer's Guide (PI-047)
Explains different types of long-term care insurance and the types of policies sold in Wisconsin to cover long-term care expenses.

Medicare Supplement

Medicare Advantage in Wisconsin | Consumer's Guide (PI-099)
Explains options available to Medicare-eligible persons age 65 and over, and some Medicare-eligible disabled individuals under age 65, who are looking for information about the Medicare Advantage program.

Medicare Part D - Things to Know Before Signing Up
Provides a list of things all seniors should know before signing up for Medicare Part D.

Medicare Parte D: Aspectos a tener en cuenta antes de registrarse (PI-222B)
Es una lista de cosas que todos los beneficiarios de Medicare deberían saber antes de registrarse en el Plan de medicamentos de venta con receta (Prescription Drug Plan, PDP) de la Parte D de Medicare.

Medicare Ntu D - Tej Yam Uas Yuav Tsum Paub Ua Ntej Sau Npe (PI-222C)
No yog cov npe ntawm txhua yam uas txhua tus neeg tau txais txiaj ntsig ntawm Medicare yuav tsum paub ua ntej kos npe rau Medicare Ntu D Txoj Phiaj Xwm Rau Daim Ntawv Sau Npe Yuav Tshuaj (Prescription Drug Plan, PDP).

Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies List
Lists policies available in Wisconsin.

Lista de pólizas de seguros complementarios de Medicare (PI-010B)
Esta lista incluye información sobre las pólizas de seguros complementarios de Medicare aprobados por la Oficina del Comisionado de Seguros.

Daim Ntawv Teev Npe Cov Cai Hais Txog Kev Tuav Pov Hwm Ntxiv Ntawm Medicare Xyoo (PI-010C)
Daim ntawv teev npe no muaj qee cov ntaub ntawv txog cov cai hais txog kev tuav pov hwm ntxiv ntawm Medicare uas tau pom zoo los ntawm Lub Chaw Hauj Lwm ntawm Pawg Thawj Coj Saib Xyuas Kev Tuav Pov Hwm.

Health Insurance for People with Medicare in Wisconsin | Consumer's Guide (PI-002)
Explains Medicare and supplemental insurance to cover those expenses not paid by Medicare.

Medigap Policies (External)
Provides information on Medicare supplement plans with price ranges offered by insurance companies in Wisconsin.



Claim Adjustment Reason Codes 

Health Insurance and Worker's Compensation Insurance for Farm Families
 | Consumer's Guide (PI-072)
Provides information about health insurance and limitations for work-related injuries.

Cancer Insurance (PI-001)
Describes cancer insurance policies and the limitations many of these policies have.

Health Insurance Grievances and Complaints (PI-217)
Provides information on how to resolve disputes with your health plan

Managed Care Health Plans in Wisconsin
 | Consumer's Guide (PI-044)
Provides information on all HMO and Limited Service Health Organization Plans in Wisconsin.

Benefits for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction & Other Substance Use Disorder Treatment (PI-238)
A guide intended to assist consumers in locating resources aimed at the treatment of opioid addiction and other substance use disorders.

Continuation Rights in Health Insurance Policies (PI-023)
Describes a consumer's rights under Wisconsin law and the federal COBRA law to continue group health insurance coverage after losing previous eligibility for health insurance coverage.

Derechos de continuación en las pólizas de seguros de salud (PI-023B)
Tanto la ley estatal como la federal, les otorgan a ciertas personas, que de otro modo perderían su cobertura de seguro de salud grupal bajo un plan de un empleador o una asociación, el derecho a continuar su cobertura por un período. Aprende más.

Cov Cai Txuas Ntxiv hauv Cov Cai Hais Txog Kev Tuav Hwv Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv (PI-023C)
Ob txoj cai lij choj ntawm xeev thiab tsoom fwv muab txoj cai rau qee tus neeg, uas poob qhov kev duav roos kev tuav pov hwm pab pawg raws li ntawm txoj phiaj xwm ntawm tus tswv ntiav hauj lwm los sis koom haum, txoj cai rau kev duav roos txuas ntxiv rau ncua sij hawm. Kawm ntxiv.

Filing a Complaint About Health Plans (PI-231)
Provides information on how to file a complaint and the complaint process.

Protections from Surprise Bills (PI-328)
Information on balance bills or surprise bills from health care providers

Independent Review Process in Wisconsin FAQs (PI-203)
Describes a consumer's right to appeal a health plan's decision to an independent medical expert.

Mandated Benefits for the Treatment of Nervous and Mental Disorders or Substance Use Disorders (PI-008)
Summarizes required coverages in group health insurance policies.

Mandated Benefits in Health Insurance Policies (PI-019)
Gives a brief description of current mandated benefits.

Mandated Coverage for Autism Services (PI-234)
Frequently asked questions on mandated coverage for autism services.

Health Care Insurance
 | Consumer's Guide (PI-225)
Provides information on comprehensive health insurance and many of the Affordable Care Act changes.

Grievance Report 
Online tool that summarizes grievance reports submitted by health insurers.

Health Insurance for Small Employers and Their Employees | Consumer's Guide (PI-206)
Discusses the Small Employer Health Insurance Law and contains monthly new business premium rates.

"Low Cost" Health Insurance
Provides tips for consumers who may be considering a short-term, limited duration plan or other limited benefit coverage.

Health Insurance After Job Loss (PI-242A)
Health insurance options for individuals who have lost health coverage.

Seguro De Salud Después De La Pérdida Del Trabajo (PI-242B)
Una Guía De Opciones De Seguro Médico Para Personas Que Han Perdido La Cobertura Médica.

Tuav Pov Hwm Kev Nyab Xeeb Tom Qab Uas Poob Haujlwm (PI-242C)
Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xaiv Ntawm Kev Pov Hwm Them Nyiaj Kho Mob Rau Ov Tib Neeg Uas Poob Kev Pov Hwm Kho Mob.

After a Storm Hits (PI-237) 
Offers a quick reference list of insurance tips for dealing with the aftermath of severe weather.

Avoid a Public Insurance Adjuster Scam (PI-250)
Rebuilding your home or business and repairing your car is important but signing a contract with an unscrupulous party can make a bad situation worse. Learn tips to avoid a scam.

A Brief Guide to Renter's Insurance
Explains the basic coverages included in a renters insurance policy and gives tips on how to purchase renters insurance.

Una guía breve para seguros para inquilinos (PI-017B)
Al igual que el seguro para propietarios de viviendas, el seguro para inquilinos protege su propiedad contra pérdidas, como daños provocados por un incendio o robo. Aprende más.

Phau Ntawv Qhia Luv-Luv Rau Kev Tuav Pov Hwm Ntawm Cov Neeg Xauj Tsev (PI-017C)
Zoo ib yam li kev tuav pov hwmtus tswv tsev, kev tuav pov hwm cov neeg xauj tsev tiv thaiv koj cov khoom muaj nuj nqis los ntawm kev poob ploj mus xws li kev puas tsuaj los ntawm hluav taws kub los sis tub sab. Kawm ntxiv.

Insurance Needs When Buying a Home | Consumer's Guide (PI-100)
Provides information on homeowners, flood, private mortgage, and title insurance and discusses other insurance options to consider when buying a home.

Buying a Home—Insurance Terms to Remember (PI-221)
Learn the terms you need to know when buying a home.

Condominium Insurance (PI-068)
Explains the basic coverages included in a condominium unit owners policy.

Homeowners Insurance | Consumer's Guide (PI-015)
Explains the basic coverages included in homeowner's and tenant's insurance policies, the types of policies, what you should do if you have a loss, and the Wisconsin Insurance Plan.

Flood Damage (PI-240) 
Frequently asked questions about flood insurance, damage from sump pump overflow, the National Flood Insurance Program, and more.

Homeowners Insurance (PI-232)
Frequently asked questions about homeowners insurance.

Insurance Tips for Farm Owners (PI-239)
Tips and resources for farmowner insurance policyholders.

Manufactured Home Insurance (PI-066)
Explains the basic coverages included in a mobile home insurance policy.

Personal Property Home Inventory (PI-224)
A personal property home inventory guide to use to list all the items that you have in your home.

Settling Property Insurance Claims | Consumer's Guide (PI-084)
Provides information on what to do after a loss, how to settle an insurance claim, flood insurance, and tips on what to do before a loss.

Tips for Saving on Homeowners Insurance (PI-219)
Learn how to save money on your homeowners insurance with these helpful tips.

Share with Care: Understanding the Insurance Risks of the Sharing Economy (PI-235)
Provides information to potential guests and hosts on important insurance considerations for home-sharing.

Health Insurance and Worker's Compensation Insurance for Farm Families | Consumer's Guide (PI-072) 
Provides information about health insurance and limitations for work-related injuries.

Commercial Liability Insurance
 | Consumer's Guide (PI-045)
Contains basic information on commercial liability insurance, risk management, legal protections, required coverages, and optional coverages.

Day Care Liability Insurance (PI-054)
Answers questions about liability insurance coverage for day care facilities.

Insurance for Small Business Owners | Consumer's Guide (PI-085)
Provides information about business, worker's compensation, health, and auto insurance.

Worker's Compensation Insurance for Employers | Consumer's Guide (PI-065)
Provides information on worker's compensation insurance requirements and answers frequently asked questions.

Foster Parent Liability Insurance (PI-048)
Frequently asked questions about liability insurance coverage for foster children.

Surplus Lines Insurers and Agents (PI-026)
Answers questions about surplus lines insurance and procedures for placing surplus lines insurance.

Share with Care: Understanding the Insurance Risks of the Sharing Economy (PI-235)
Provides information on important insurance considerations for home-sharing, ride-sharing, and more.

Warranties (PI-069)
Discusses the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, the federal law that covers warranties, and answers questions about extended warranties.

Life Insurance Coverage and AIDS (PI-064) Not currently available. Contact OCI if you have questions.
Summarizes rules regarding life insurance and coverage for AIDS and includes Resources for Persons with a Positive HIV Test/The Implications of Testing Positive for HIV (OCI 17-001).

NAIC Life Insurance Buyer's Guide
The link above will bring you to the NAIC's Life Insurance Buyer's Guide.

State Life Insurance Fund
Information about the State Life Insurance Fund that offers life insurance to Wisconsin residents. This also includes a rate table and application information. For more information, call 1-800-562-5558 (Wisconsin residents only).

Understanding Annuities | Consumer's Guide (PI-214)
Explains the different types of annuity contracts, describes the various contractual features and discusses how to shop for an annuity.

NAIC Buyer's Guides for Annuities 
The link above will bring you to the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's publications page. The buyer's guides provide consumer information about the different types of annuities.

After a Storm Hits (PI-237) 
Offers a quick reference list of insurance tips for dealing with the aftermath of severe weather.

Replacing Important Documents and Records (PI-223)
Provides a list of documents that will need to be replaced if they have been destroyed and whom to contact for replacements.

Credit Insurance (PI-205)
Frequently asked questions about credit insurance.

Wisconsin insurance consumers are better protected thanks to 2021 Wisconsin Act 73. Read more about this law and how to secure your data and stay safe online.

Insurance Terminations, Denials, and Cancellations (PI-024)
Summarizes the laws dealing with notice requirements when insurance coverage is terminated.

Terminaciones, rechazos y cancelaciones de seguros (PI-024B)
En esta hoja de datos se explica brevemente sus derechos relacionados con el rechazo de una compañía de seguros de ofrecer o continuar su cobertura.

Kev Tshem Tawm Kev Tuav Pov Hwm, Kev Tsis Kam Lees, thiab Kev Tshem Tawm (PI-024C)
Daim ntawv qhia kom paub tseeb no piav qhia luv-luv txog koj cov cai hais txog lub tuam txhab tuav pov hwm tsis kam muab kev pov hwm rau koj los sis kom koj ua qhov kev duav roos txuas ntxiv.

C.L.U.E.  (PI-207)
Tips to help you understand how claims information obtained from a C.L.U.E. report may affect your insurance premiums.

Insurance 101 - Insurance Basics for College Students
Provides information about the types of insurance college students should consider when going away to school.

Insurance Complaints and Administrative Actions (PI-030)
Annual reports summarizing complaint activity and enforcement actions.

Other Sources of Help (OCI 51-051)
Provides information on Small Claims Court.

Share with Care: Understanding the Insurance Risks of the Sharing Economy (PI-235)
Provides information on important insurance considerations for home-sharing, ride-sharing, and more.

Tips for Buying Insurance Online (PI-220)
Helpful tips to protect yourself when buying insurance on the internet.

Understanding How Insurance Companies Use Credit Information (PI-204)
Tips to help you understand how your credit information may be used and how it may affect your insurance premiums.

Volunteers and Insurance (PI-236)
Tips for understanding volunteer insurance for volunteers and organizations. 

Wisconsin Insurance News
The Wisconsin Insurance News is published quarterly by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance to provide interested parties with information affecting regulation of the Wisconsin insurance market.

Wisconsin Insurance Report
The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance is required by statute to submit a report to the Governor and to the legislature that includes an organizational chart of the Commissioner's Office, a general review of the insurance business, a summary of complaints, a summary of rules promulgated, a list of insurers authorized to do business in the state, a list of all revocations of licenses or certificates of authority and any legislative changes.

 Other Languages

Medicare Ntu D - Tej Yam Uas Yuav Tsum Paub Ua Ntej Sau Npe (PI-222C)
No yog cov npe ntawm txhua yam uas txhua tus neeg tau txais txiaj ntsig ntawm Medicare yuav tsum paub ua ntej kos npe rau Medicare Ntu D Txoj Phiaj Xwm Rau Daim Ntawv Sau Npe Yuav Tshuaj (Prescription Drug Plan, PDP).

Daim Ntawv Teev Npe Cov Cai Hais Txog Kev Tuav Pov Hwm Ntxiv Ntawm Medicare Xyoo (PI-010C)
Daim ntawv teev npe no muaj qee cov ntaub ntawv txog cov cai hais txog kev tuav pov hwm ntxiv ntawm Medicare uas tau pom zoo los ntawm Lub Chaw Hauj Lwm ntawm Pawg Thawj Coj Saib Xyuas Kev Tuav Pov Hwm.

Kev pov hwm kev noj qab haus huv
Cov Cai Txuas Ntxiv hauv Cov Cai Hais Txog Kev Tuav Hwv Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv 
Ob txoj cai lij choj ntawm xeev thiab tsoom fwv muab txoj cai rau qee tus neeg, uas poob qhov kev duav roos kev tuav pov hwm pab pawg raws li ntawm txoj phiaj xwm ntawm tus tswv ntiav hauj lwm los sis koom haum, txoj cai rau kev duav roos txuas ntxiv rau ncua sij hawm. Kawm ntxiv.

Tuav Pov Hwm Kev Nyab Xeeb Tom Qab Uas Poob Haujlwm (PI-242C)
Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xaiv Ntawm Kev Pov Hwm Them Nyiaj Kho Mob Rau Ov Tib Neeg Uas Poob Kev Pov Hwm Kho Mob.

Pov Hwm Ntawm Cov Neeg Xauj Tsev
Phau Ntawv Qhia Luv-Luv Rau Kev Tuav Pov Hwm Ntawm Cov Neeg Xauj Tsev (PI-017C)
Zoo ib yam li kev tuav pov hwmtus tswv tsev, kev tuav pov hwm cov neeg xauj tsev tiv thaiv koj cov khoom muaj nuj nqis los ntawm kev poob ploj mus xws li kev puas tsuaj los ntawm hluav taws kub los sis tub sab. Kawm ntxiv.

Lwm Yam
Kev Tshem Tawm Kev Tuav Pov Hwm, Kev Tsis Kam Lees, thiab Kev Tshem Tawm
Daim ntawv qhia kom paub tseeb no piav qhia luv-luv txog koj cov cai hais txog lub tuam txhab tuav pov hwm tsis kam muab kev pov hwm rau koj los sis kom koj ua qhov kev duav roos txuas ntxiv.

Propiedad y Casualidad
Seguros de Automóvil 
| Guía del Consumidor (PI-157)
Explica los tipos de cobertura proporcionados en una póliza de seguro de automóvil, cómo comprar un seguro y la cobertura de exención de daños por colisión para automóviles de alquiler.

Que hacer antes y después de una tormenta
Las condiciones meteorológicas adversas pueden aparecer en cualquier momento del año. Es importante garantizar que usted y su familia tienen un plan para mantenerse a salvo.

Lo que debe saber sobre las reclamaciones de los propietarios por seguros de vivienda y los gastos de manutención adicionales
Si no puede permanecer en su casa después de una catástrofe que está bajo cobertura, muchas pólizas de propietarios pagarán los gastos de alojamiento adicionales.

Lo que debe saber acerca de la presentación de una reclamación para un seguro de auto en caso de colisión.
El seguro para auto es uno de los seguros personales más utilizados. Los conductores necesitan pólizas de seguro para auto para cumplir con la ley estatal, satisfacer a los prestamistas y proteger sus bienes. La mayoría de los conductores eventualmente necesitarán presentar una reclamación por algún u otro motivo.

Algunas pólizas de seguros tienen un deducible especial por pérdidas causadas por tormentas con nombre. Un asegurar aplica este deducible únicamente cuando una tormenta con nombre causa los daños. 


Medicare Parte D: Aspectos a tener en cuenta antes de registrarse (PI-222B)
Es una lista de cosas que todos los beneficiarios de Medicare deberían saber antes de registrarse en el Plan de medicamentos de venta con receta (Prescription Drug Plan, PDP) de la Parte D de Medicare.

Lista de pólizas de seguros complementarios de Medicare (PI-010B)
Esta lista incluye información sobre las pólizas de seguros complementarios de Medicare aprobados por la Oficina del Comisionado de Seguros.

Tres consejos para evitar los errores más comunes durante la inscripción abierta de Medicare y Medicare Advantage
Durante la inscripción abierta anual de Medicare y la inscripción abierta de Medicare Advantage puede esperar ver muchos anuncios que prometen
las “más recientes y mejores” formas de ahorrar en sus planes y gastos de salud si sólo “llama ahora mismo”.

Derechos de continuación en las pólizas de seguros de salud (PI-023B)
Tanto la ley estatal como la federal, les otorgan a ciertas personas, que de otro modo perderían su cobertura de seguro de salud grupal bajo un plan de un empleador o una asociación, el derecho a continuar su cobertura por un período. Aprende más.

Seguro De Salud Después De La Pérdida Del Trabajo (PI-242B)
Una Guía De Opciones De Seguro Médico Para Personas Que Han Perdido La Cobertura Médica.

Lo que deberías saber acerca de la facturación sorpresa
Dicha ley protege a los pacientes de tener que pagar facturas médicas sorpresa por concepto de cuidados de urgencia y cuidados recibidos en instalaciones que hagan parte de la red hospitalaria. 

Como ser un beneficiario de un seguro de vida: Lo que necesita saber para prepararse
Decenas de millones de dólares en prestaciones por fallecimiento no son reclamados cada año debido a que los beneficiarios no cuentan con la información. La Asociación Nacional de Comisionados de Seguros (NAIC) quiere ayudar a los consumidores a estar preparados.

Aprenda cómo utilizar el localizador de pólizas de seguros de vida de la NAIC
Cada año, millones de dólares en beneficios de seguros de vida quedan sin reclamar. En algunas ocasiones, los beneficiarios no pueden localizar las pólizas de sus seres queridos o en otras ocasiones, ni siquiera sabían de la existencia de esas pólizas. 

¿Desea adquirir un seguro de vida? Aquí tiene unos consejos que pudieran ayudarle a través del proceso?
Todos queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros seres queridos estén atendidos después de nuestra muerte. El seguro de vida puede asegurarse de que nuestras familias estén preparadas para las dificultades financieras

El Seguro Para Inquilinos
Una guía breve para seguros para inquilinos (PI-017B)
Al igual que el seguro para propietarios de viviendas, el seguro para inquilinos protege su propiedad contra pérdidas, como daños provocados por un incendio o robo. Aprende más.

Terminaciones, rechazos y cancelaciones de seguros (PI-024B)
En esta hoja de datos se explica brevemente sus derechos relacionados con el rechazo de una compañía de seguros de ofrecer o continuar su cobertura.

Departamentos estatales de seguros (DOI): Su aliado en el mundo de los seguros tormentas con nombre
Su departamento estatal de seguros (DOI) funge como un aliado en el mundo de los seguros y sus funciones.

El fraude de seguros daña a todos
El fraude de seguros no es un delito sin víctimas. A las empresas les cuesta miles de millones de dólares cada año, un gasto que se traslada a los consumidores en la forma de primas más elevadas.

¿Qué es una póliza paraguas (“umbrella")?
Una póliza paraguas (“umbrella”) de protección personal proporciona cobertura para los gastos de responsabilidad y de defensa, que su seguro principal, cómo las pólizas de seguro de automóvil, de vivienda y de inquilinos, no cubren.

These publications are intended as a general overview of current law in this area, but is not intended as a substitute for legal advice in any particular ​situation. You may want to consult your attorney about your specific rights. Publications are updated annually unless otherwise stated and, as such, the information in this publication may not be accurate or timely in all instances.​

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All materials may be printed or copied without permission.​​​