Access to Public Records

​​​Last Updated: November 25, 2024​

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance retains records related to insurance business in Wisconsin. Many records are publicly available on OCI’s website. Use the search tool above to search for specific common records. If you do not find what you seek using the search tool, please see below for instructions on submitting a request for the insurance records you seek. 

Frequently Asked Questions

You may submit a public records request via:​

You may obtain records electronically or by mail.

OCI works to fulfill these requests as quickly as possible. Records are categorized into simple and complex requests. Simple requests can be expected within 10 days, and complex requests can be expected within 30 days.

Depending on the records requested, means of locating requested records, and how they are delivered, there may or may not be a fee associated. Those circumstances are outlined below.

OCI endeavors to provide electronic copies of records without fee, via email. However, in rare instances, specialized skills, equipment, or technology may be required and may result in copy costs. In such instances, OCI will inform the requestor of the anticipated cost in advance.

There may be a location fee:

  • OCI will only impose a location fee if the cost of location alone is more than $50. This calculation includes searching for and identifying responsive records, but does not include redaction
  • An hourly charge may be imposed for staff time necessary to locate records.
    • The hourly charge is $14.54, based on the hourly rate and benefits of the lowest paid employee capable of performing the task.
    • In rare circumstances, an employee with special skills may be necessary to conduct a search, and a higher hourly rate may be assessed.

For electronic copies (email, PDF files, DVDs, flash drives, other electronic formats):

  • OCI may recover the cost of physical medium used to provide electronic records:
  • ​DVD

    ​Flash Drive

    ​$.013 each

    ​8 GB: $5.02 

    16 GB: $6.53 

    32 GB: $10.08 

    64 GB: $18.52 

    128 GB: $32.21 

    500 GB: $53.81 

    1 TB: $60.14 ​

    2 TB: $74.83

For hard copies (paper records provided by copying a paper record or printing an electronic record):

  • $0.0135 per page (black and white)
  • $0.0632 per page (color)
  • In rare instances specialized skills, equipment, or technology may result in additional copy costs.

For mailing records:

  • OCI may charge the actual, necessary, and direct costs for the mailing of records.

No, depending on the request, we may need to retrieve records from the State Records Center . Retrieval fees may be assessed if it is necessary to obtain records from the State Records Center.

  • File Retrieval: $4.03 per file
  • Record Box Retrieval: $4.91 per box


  • These fees are based on the rates charged by the State Records Center and may be subject to change.
  • There is a 1- to 3-day waiting period while the files are retrieved and delivered to OCI.

OCI may require prepayment of any fee imposed if the total exceeds $5.

Pursuant to s. 601.31 (1) (y) (1), Wis. Stat., OCI requires payment of $10 for certifying a copy of any of the following records.

Note: Each duplicate certification requested at the same time is charged an additional $5.

  • Annual Statement

  • Examination Report

  • Certificate of Authority

  • Articles or bylaws

  • Any amendments to the above documents​

General OCI Publications

OCI publications are free of charge and can be accessed on OCI's Consumer Publication page.

  • For hard copy requests, the first copy is free. All copies requested after will result in a fee between $0.15 and $2.00 depending on the publication.

  • For bulk requests, e​mail

The Wisconsin Insurance Report can be accessed free of charge on OCI's Wisconsin Insurance Report page.

  • A hard copy may be purchased for a $20 fee.

Service of Process​​​

For service of process on unlicensed companies a $10.00 fee applies.

  • s. 601.31 (1) (p), Wis. Stat.

  • s. 601.72, Wis. Stat.

State Public Offices

For the purposes of the public records law, the following hold "state public offices" at OCI:

  • Insurance Commissioner

  • Deputy Commissioner

  • Division Administrators

Printable version of Access ​to Public R​ecords