Tips for Saving on Auto Insurance

​​​​​Last Updated: July 22, 2024

Printable version of publication: Tips for Saving on Auto Insurance

Several factors contribute to the price insurance companies charge for auto insurance. Here are some tips to get the best value for auto insurance:​

  • Shop around—Companies charge different prices and offer various discounts. Shop around to find the best coverage at the right price. Wisconsin has a competitive insurance marketplace with many insurance companies conducting business in our state.

  • Maintain a clean driving recordSafe drivers are less expensive to insure. At-fault accidents and tickets for citations may contribute to higher premiums.

  • Raise your deductible—The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance policy pays on a claim. Increasing your deductible may lower your premium. Make sure you can afford the higher deductible amount you will pay if you have an accident.

  • Compare insurance costs before you buy your car—Some cars are more prone to theft, which makes them more expensive to insure. The same applies to vehicles that cause more damage in crashes or offer occupants less protection in a collision.

  • Consider how much insurance you need—If you drive an older, less expensive vehicle, consider eliminating collision or comprehensive coverage. Owners of older, less expensive vehicles often carry only liability insurance.

  • ​Drive a car equipped with safety devices—Features that protect against theft and injury, like anti-theft devices and airbags, may lower your premiums.​

  • Maintain a good credit rating—Most insurance companies utilize some credit information to price auto insurance policies.

  • Drive fewer miles—If your annual mileage is less than the average driver, you may qualify for a low-mileage discount (if your insurance company offers this type of discount).

  • Maintain good grades in school—If you are a student (or parent of one), most insurance companies offer discounts for full-time students with a “B” average or higher.

  • Ask about multiple vehicle discounts—Many insurance companies provide a discount for insuring two or more cars on a policy.

  • Complete a driver's safety course—Taking an approved driver’s education course may result in a discount or a lower premium.

  • Look into usage-based i​nsurance—Usage-based insurance examines driving habits (miles driven, time of day, where the vehicle is driven, rapid acceleration, hard braking, and airbag deployment) to determine insurance costs. A driver's behavior is monitored by telematics while the vehicle is in use. The insurance company charges insurance premiums according to the data.​

  • Ask about other discounts—Insurance companies offer a variety of discounts. It is always smart to ask your agent what additional discounts may be available.

Review the Consumer'​s Guide to Auto Insurance for more information on auto insurance.​