Buying a Home - Insurance Terms to Remember When Buying a Home

​​​​Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Printable version of publication: Buying a Home—Insurance Terms to Remember When Buying a Home

A Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (C.L.U.E.) report is a claims history report generated by LexisNexis, a consumer-reporting agency. Insurance companies use consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance policy. The report generally contains up to five years of personal property claims history. Before buying a home you should ask the current homeowner for a copy of the house's insurance loss history report.

A number that represents the likelihood a borrower may default; it is based on credit history and is used to determine the ability to qualify for a mortgage loan.

A history of an individual’s debt payment, including bankruptcies, foreclosures, and defaults. Lenders use this information to gauge a potential borrower’s ability to repay a loan.

record listing all past and present debts and the timeliness of their repayment; documents an individual’s credit history.

A homeowners insurance policy will not cover losses from a flood. Flood insurance must be bought separately. A flood insurance policy is a special policy backed by the federal government protecting homeowners against losses from a flood. The lender will require flood insurance before approving a loan if a home is in a flood plain. You may want to discuss with your insurance agent whether flood insurance is appropriate for your property.

A contract covering the mechanical breakdown of specific major systems, components, or appliances in a home. Coverage extends over a specific time period and does not cover the home’s structure. Typically, the warranty will cover the electrical and plumbing systems, the furnace, the range, the roof, and other items, for one year from the date of closing. Home warranties have exclusions and limitations so it is important to read your policy carefully.

Homeowners insurance covers damage to your property, loss of personal belongings, and provides some personal liability protection. Additional coverages such as a sump pump, sewer back-up, or scheduled personal property can also be added to the package for an additional premium.

A contract to transfer risk from individuals to an insurance company. In exchange for a premium, the insurance company agrees to pay for losses covered under the terms of the policy.

An insurance bureau score is a snapshot of a consumer’s insurance risk picture at a particular point in time, based on credit report information. Insurers will typically ask for a current score when they receive a new application for insurance so they have the most recent information available. Many companies will base the premium charged in part on an applicant’s insurance score.

A real estate term describing what the current value of your home would be if you were to sell it, including the land. This amount is generally not involved in determining what amounts to purchase under a homeowners insurance policy. The anticipated cost to rebuild the home should form the basis of the amount of coverage purchased.

A monthly payment covering the cost of mortgage insurance is usually included as part of the mortgage payment paid by a borrower.

Mortgage life insurance pays off a mortgage if the homeowner dies or becomes disabled.

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is insurance protecting lenders from foreclosure losses on smaller down payment loans. As a result, PMI helps qualified borrowers with down payments of less than 20% of purchase buy homes with minimal cash out-of-pocket, making homeownership attainable sooner than otherwise possible.

An insurance policy protecting the buyer or lender from monetary loss or damage due to errors in the title, as described in the policy arising from situations existing before the sale. If covered claims arise after the sale, the title insurance company defends the new owner/lender or settles the claims.

A personal umbrella liability policy provides additional liability coverage after the limits of your underlying policies (auto/homeowners) are reached. An umbrella liability policy also protects you (the insured) in many situations not covered by the usual liability policies.

For complete information on buying homeowners insurance, see the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) publications Buying a Home and Your Insurance Needs and Consumer's Guide to Homeowner's Insurance.