
​​​Learn how weather-related disasters can impact insurance policies.

Last Updated: March 7, 2025

Wisconsin faces many threats: flooding, wildfires, tornadoes, extreme temperatures, and man-made disasters. In recent years, Wisconsin has experienced more intense and frequent heavy rains causing flooding, washed out roads and bridges, failed dams, injury, and illness. ​Help reduce the impact from these disasters by understanding risk and taking action to minimize potential damage​ from hazards before they occur.

Learn How to Pr​epare and Protect

Stronger Wisconsin​

We started the Stronger Wisconsin campaign to build a more resilient Wisconsin in the face of our changing climate. We are working to spread the word about mitigation opportunities and highlight the importance of appropriate and sufficient insurance coverage for consumers across the state. We are conducting outreach trips to different types of communities and bringing industry partners, local government stakeholders, and consumers to the table to discuss pre-disaster mitigation. Working closely with agency partners like the Department of Safety and Professional Services and Depart​ment of Financial Institutions , we are also working to understand the potential hurdles to mitigation that may exist in Wisconsin. By evaluating the current state of climate resiliency barriers, we can develop the best solutions to overcome them. ​

Building more resilient communities is possible through the work of the NAIC , industry partners, and campaigns like Stronger Wisconsin. The climate is changing, and it’s critical that we continue to work collaboratively to prepare and protect our communities.​

In the News​





​​ The best thing you can do, is be prepared.​

What is Mitigation and Why is it Important? 
Mitigation includes a range of actions taken to reduce or eliminate risk to people and property from the impact of disasters. This can take the form of community-wide risk reduction projects; improvements to critical infrastructure; building codes that strengthen new construction; and improving the resiliency of existing structures. 

Reports indicate that temperature and precipitation totals will continue to rise and that the frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing in Wisconsin. Mitigation and disaster preparedness efforts help reduce damage to homes and businesses and prevent loss of life.

ReadyWisconsin , an initiative of Wisconsin Emergency Management , educates and empowers Wisconsinites to prepare for and respond to emergencies such as natural disasters.

Complete a Home Inventory
An up to date home inventory of your belongings will help with a claim if you experience damage or loss due to a disaster. Download the free NAIC Home Inventory App to create a record of your belongings.

Pack a Go-Bag
Learn the post disaster essentials that you should pack in a go-bag .

Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan
Having an emergency communication plan ensures members of your household will know how to reach each other and where to meet up in an emergency.

Determine Your Hazard Risks
Most homeowners policies do not cover flooding or seepage through the foundation. A special flood insurance policy is required for this kind of coverage, which is available from the National Flood Insurance Program .

Know Your Coverage BEFORE You Have a Claim
Read your homeowners policy to understand what IS covered and what is NOT. Clarify any questions or concerns with your insurance agent or company. The Consumer's Guide to Homeowners Insurance can help consumers understand policy options and coverage.

Consider Renters Insurance
If you rent and your apartment is damaged by a fire or tornado, your personal property is likely not covered by a landlord's insurance policy. A renters insurance policy provides coverage for your personal belongings. A Brief Guide to Renters Insurance provides more information.

Prepare and Protect Your Property

Projects to help home and business owners protect their property from damage caused by natural disasters. 

​Financial Assistance
Search for possible financial assistance opportunities.​ ​ 

Social Media Toolkits
OCI has developed ready-to-use social media posts to educate the public on the importance of flood and severe weather safety, insurance, and preparedness. The toolkits contain graphics and social media posts that you may use on your social networks.

We are here to help​​​​

Whether it is auto, health, home, or life insurance, our Consumer Affairs team is here to help you if you have a question or concern about your insurance policy or claim. 

Phone: ​(800) 236-8517 or (608) 266-3585​​​
File a Complaint
Ask a General Insurance Question​​​​​
