Severe Weather Toolkit

​​​​​​​​Last Updated: September 25, 2024​

This severe weather toolk​it contains preparedness, insurance, and safety-related​ messages and graphics that you can share on your social media channels. 

​​Social Media Messages

Sample messages that you can easily copy and share t​o your channels.​

View Messages ​​


You can use the graphics directly or customize them with your branding in the bottom right corner. ​Click an image below, then right click to s​ave it to your computer.


Watch out for scams graphic
Prevent roof damage from heavy snow and ice graphic
Homeowners insurance vs flood insurance graphic
Pack a go-bag with disaster essentials graphic

After a Storm Hits: File Your Claim graphic

Español (Spanish)

1 out of 5 car crashes are weather related
9 Tips for After a Storm Hits
9 Tips for After a Storm Hits
9 Tips for After a Storm Hits

After a Storm Hits: File Your Claim

Watch out for scams graphic in Spanish
Prevent roof damage from heavy snow and ice graphic in Spanish
Homeowners insurance vs flood insurance graphic in Spanish
Pack a go-bag with disaster essentials graphic in Spanish

After a Storm Hits: File Your Claim graphic in Spanish

Hmoob (Hmong)

Watch out for scams! graphic in Hmong
9 Tips for After a Storm Hits in Hmong
Homeowners insurance vs flood insurance graphic in Hmong
Pack a go-bag with disaster essentials graphic in Hmong

After a Storm Hits: File Your Claim graphic in Hmong

Watch out for scams! graphic in Hmong
Heavy snow and ice graphic in Hmong
Homeowners insurance vs flood insurance graphic in Hmong
Pack a go-bag with disaster essentials graphic in Hmong

After a Storm Hits: File Your Claim graphic in Hmong