Business Owners - Other Sources of Help

​Last Updated: November 8, 2021​

​​​​​Below you will find numerous links to entities that provide additional assistance and information for various types of insurance.

Jump to Section: ​Auto | Flood | ​​​Health | Homeowners | Small Business | Worker's Compensation


Wisconsin Auto Insurance Plan (WAIP) 
If you are unable to find coverage in the private auto insurance market, you can be insured through the Wisconsin Auto Insurance Plan. You can apply through any Wisconsin licensed property and casualty agent.​

Wisconsin's Financial Responsibility Law 
Wisconsin has a financial responsibility law. It is designed to make sure that any motorist licensed to drive in Wisconsin has insurance or enough money to pay for damages to others that may be caused by a motor vehicle.

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​​​Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ​​
FEMA is responsible for leading the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and to effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) 
The NFIP makes federally-backed flood insurance available in communities that agree to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. National Flood Insurance is available in more than 19,000 communities across the United States and its territories.

Write Your Own (WYO) Participating Insurance Companies 
This list represents some of the private insurance companies that, through an agreement with the Federal Insurance Administration, sell and service federal flood insurance policies. You may also contact your insurance agent or company to find out more about federal flood insurance. The Federal Insurance Administration does not specifically endorse any of the companies listed.

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BadgerCare Plus 
BadgerCare Plus is a program for children under 19 years of age and families in Wisconsin who need and want health insurance. BadgerCare Plus is for all children, regardless of income. BadgerCare​ Plus is about more than just children. It also offers access to comprehensive, affordable health care to many families and pregnant women in Wisconsin.

Center for Patient Partnerships 
A small educational center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison dedicated to training future professionals in law, public affairs, pharmacy, social work, medicine, and other related disciplines about health care patient advocacy.

​​​Continuation Rights in Insurance
In 1980 the Wisconsin Legislature passed a law relating to continuation rights in health insurance policies. The federal government passed a law in 1986 that also gives certain individuals the right to continue health care coverage.

For questions about the federal law, see the Federal COBR​A Law ​​ website
For questions about the Wisconsin law, see the Fact Sheet on Continuation and Conversion Rights in Health Insurance Policies

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
This act protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs.

If your plan is a fully insured group health plan, contact the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance at:

1-800-236-8517 Statewide
(608) 266-0103 Madison

If your plan is self-insured, contact the U.S. Department of Labor Regional Office:

(312) 353-0900 Phone

Medical Information Bureau (MIB) 
The MIB is a private company that insurance companies use to share information about insurance applicants. If you are denied coverage based on medical history, you may want to find out if you have an MIB file and if so, is it correct. If your file contains incorrect information, you have the right to ask the MIB to correct it.

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Wisconsin Insurance Plan (WIP) 
If you are unable to find coverage in the private insurance market, you can be insured through WIP. WIP is property insurance of the last resort. You may apply through any Wisconsin ​licensed property and casualty agent.

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Small Business

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) 
WEDC is the state's primary agency for delivery of integrated services to businesses.

Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) 
DSPS is responsible for credentialing and regulating various professions in the state of Wisconsin. Regulation of professions is accomplished through appropriate licensing boards as well as directly by DSPS. DSPS provides centralized administrative services to 26 regulatory boards, with responsibilities for regulating over 100 professions, occupations and business establishments.

Department of Financial Insti​tutions (DFI) 
The Department of Financial Institution's mission is to protect consumers of financial services and ensure the soundness of Wisconsin's financial institutions.

Department of Revenue (DO​R) ​
Business Develop​ment and Government Relations ​​
Starting a Business
Business Resources ​​

Small Business Adm​inistration (SBA) 
The SBA makes direct business loans and guarantees bank loans to small businesses, as well as making loans to victims of natural disasters, working to get government procurement contracts for small businesses and helping business owners with management and technical assistance and business training.

ID Theft Tips - Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) ​ 
How small business can help in the fight against ID theft.​

Privacy Laws - Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) ​​​ 
Wisconsin, Federal, and International Privacy Laws

Data Breaches - Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) ​ 
Data breaches which have either been reported to DATCP or have been identified as affecting Wisconsin consumers.​

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Worker's Compensation

A list of the insurers offering worker's compensation insurance is in the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau​ Annual Report. Click on the "Annual Reports" tab to access the report.

There are about 300 insurance companies licensed to write worker's compensation insurance in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, all companies writing worker's compensation insurance must be members of the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau (WCRB).

Company Lookup 
The Company Lookup is a search page that helps locate companies, fraternal benefit societies, associations, town mutual insurers, or rate service organizations licensed or otherwise authorized to transact the business of insurance in Wisconsin. The lookup page also includes company addresses and telephone numbers.

Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Division 
The Worker's Compensation Division is a division of the State of Wisconsin, Department of Workforce Development. The Worker's Compensation Division is responsible for the administration of the Worker's Compensation Act of Wisconsin, Chapter 102, with respect to enforcement, payment of claims, violations, compliance and enforcement of insurance requirements and other related duties.

Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau (WCRB) 
The Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau is a licensed rate service organization for worker's compensation insurance in Wisconsin. The WCRB is responsible for the classification of employers, the rates and rating plans used, all policy forms and analysis of all statistical and other data needed to meet its responsibilities.

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