Fingerprinting Requirements

​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated:January 14, 2025

Digital Fingerprints/Criminal Background Check for Resident License Applicants

Who is required to be fingerprinted?
Section Ins 6.59 (4) (a), Wis. Adm. Code and 62​8.04 (1c), Wis. Stat.​, requires that any individual resident applying for a resident license or adding additional lines of authority and who has completed and passed an exam must submit fingerprints/criminal background check as a part of the application process. Residents applying for a legal expense license are also required to submit fingerprints ​in order to obtain a resident license.

How long are fingerprints valid?​
Fingerprints are valid for 180 days (6 months). The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) will not accept fingerprints that were submitted to another entity or to an employer. The applicant will need to complete the fingerprints again for OCI.

Where to make a reservation?
Applicants can make a reservation online on Fieldprint at . At the time of reservation, applicants must enter the Fieldprint code: FPWIOCIInsurance. Applicants can use upper or lower case to enter the field code.

What information will be requested at the time of the fingerprinting reservation?

  1. Full legal name
  2. Full current address
  3. Date of birth
  4. Gender
  5. Social Security number
  6. Height​
  7. Weight
  8. Hair color
  9. Eye color
  10. Ethnicity
  11. Place of birth
  12. Citizenship

What is the cost for digital fingerprinting?
The cost is $34.75​​ for digital fingerprinting.

When can applicants be fingerprinted?
Fingerprints can be submitted at any time; however, it is recommended they be completed before the submission of the licensing application. If fingerprinting is not completed at the time of submitting the application, it will not be processed until the fingerprinting requirement is met and will delay the application process.

Where can applicants be fingerprinted?
A list of locations can be found on the Fieldprint website at .

What is required at the fingerprinting appointment?
Applicants must present two (2) forms of current signature identification. The primary identification must be government issued, photo-bearing with a signature and the secondary identification must contain a valid signature. Identification must be in English.

Primary ID (photograph and signature, non-expired)

  • Government-issued driver's license
  • Learner's permit (plastic card only with photo and signature)
  • National/State/County identification card
  • Passport
  • Military ID
  • Military ID for spouses and dependents
  • Alien registration card (Green card, permanent resident visa)

Secondary ID (signature, non-expired)

  • Social Security card
  • Debit (ATM or credit card)

Does OCI accept paper fingerprints?

No, OCI does not accept paper fingerprints completed at a police department, county office, or any other vendor besides our contracted vendor, Fieldprint.

When will OCI receive my fingerprints?

Typical fingerprint processing takes 24-72 hours for OCI to receive electronically depending on when they are completed.​