Last Updated: September 1, 2023
The agent licensing section is now offering a new live chat feature for individuals to use and inquire on licensing related topics. You will be able to chat directly with an agent licensing representative that will provide you with instruction and guidance.
Hours of Availability
Effective September 5, 2023, live chat is available
Monday through Friday from 7:45 am - 4:30 pm.
The following topics are available during live chat hours:
Ask about the status of your insurance application.
How to make changes to your license.
How to obtain a resident agent/agency license.
How to obtain a nonresident agent/agency license.
How to reinstate your insurance license.
How to renew your insurance license.
Ask a general prelicensing or continuing education question.
Ask a general licensing question.
If an inquiry cannot be answered via live chat you will be advised to reach out directly to our office. If your inquiry is not related to any of the above topics, you can reach out to the agent licensing section directly via email at or call us directly at 608-266-8699.
Chat Now
Click the blue "Live Chat" button at the bottom right to start the chat.
Please note: Using inappropriate language will result in the termination of your chat session.
Note: Some web browsers (such as Internet Explorer and others) may not support downloading this service. For best results, use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari.