Prelicensing Requirements

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: January 19, 2024

Prelicensing Course Offerings ​

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Requirements for an Individual Resident License

Every resident applying for a property, personal lines, casualty, life or accident and health insurance license must complete prelicensing education. Refer to ch. Ins 26, Wis. Adm. Code, for more information.

  • You must complete at least 20 hours of prelicensing education with an approved education provider before sitting for an exam.

    • Of the 20 hours, 8 hours consist of the principles of insurance, general Wisconsin insurance laws, and ethics. Once the 8 hours is completed, it needs not be repeated for each line of authority as long as it is within a 12-month period. Of the 20 hours, 12 hours consist of policies, terms and concepts, and line-specific insurance law.

  • Prelicensing courses can be com​pleted in a classroom or by self-study (see below).

  • Upon successful completion of the prelicensing education requirement, the student will receive a Certificate of Course Completion.

  • The education provider is required to electronically bank (submit) the course information within 10 days of course completion to the Commissioner's office. Please note: The credits must be banked before applying for a license.

  • Please Note: This Certificate of Course Completion must be brought to the exam testing center either via paper or electronically in order for individuals to sit for the exam. If the Certificate of Course Completion is not provided, individuals will NOT be able to take the exam. The exam fees are non-refundable.

  • Prelicensing education is valid for one year from the date of completion.

  • Prelicensing education is not a preparatory course for passing the exam.

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Self-Study Requirements

  • Applicants completing approved self-study prelicensing courses must also pass a proctored examination for the course to be considered completed (this does not count towards the official state exam).

  • A proctored affidavit form must be submitted to the approved education provider in order to receive credits prior to sitting for the state exam.

  • An approved proctor is an impartial, disinterested third party or currently licensed agent with no family or financial relationship to the student. The proctor shall verify the agent's identity and complete an affidavit supplied by the approved provider testifying that the agent received no outside assistance. Membership in a professional association/organization does not constitute a financial relationship.

  • The prelicensing self-study course is valid for one year from the date of completion.

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Prelicensing Exemptions

Exemptions to the prelicensing education requirement include those candidates applying for the limited lines of title, credit, crop, surety, travel and legal expense.

Candidates who have completed a two-year Wisconsin technical college degree in insurance or a four-year college degree in business with an insurance emphasis are eligible for exemption. An official transcript is required to be submitted for any college degree exemptions.

Veterans who have obtained instruction related to insurance in connection with military service may also be eligible for an exemption. Documentation of such evidence must be submitted to the Commissioner's office.

Evidence of the following designations should be submitted along with the exemption form:

Exemption for the Life Line of Authority

  • Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS)

  • Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)

  • Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)

  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)

  • Fellow of the Life Management Institute (FLMI)

  • Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF)

Exemptions for the Accident and Health Line of Authority

  • Registered Health Underwriter (RHU)

  • Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS)

  • Registered Employee Benefit Counselor (REBC)

  • Health Insurance Associate (HIA)

Exemptions for the Property, Casualty, or Personal Lines P&C

  • Accredited Advisory in Insurance (AAI)

  • Associate in Risk Management (ARM)

  • Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)

  • Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)

All prelicensing exemption requests must be submitted and approved 90 days prior to the date of taking the state licensing exam. The exemption form can be submitted to OCI via paper or electronic form:

Paper - Prelicensing Exemption Request

  • Print and fill out the Prelicensing Exemption Form OCI 11-026 and include the required supporting documentation. The form along with supporting documentation can be sent to OCI to the email, mailing address, or fax number that are listed on the form.

Electronic - Prelicensing Exemption Request

  • Select Prelicensing Exemption For​m ​ to fill out online and submit to OCI electronically. All required fields and supporting documentation must be filled out and attached in order to submit the form successfully to OCI. Once submitted, you will receive an email confirming your submission.

Once the form has been submitted, OCI will provide written notice of approval or denial within 30 days of receipt of the exemption request.

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Additional Study Materials

The Intermediary's Guide to Wisconsin Insu​rance Law​​ has been developed by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) as a study guide for the Wisconsin laws section of the exam. The intent is to provide a broad overview of insurance concepts, state laws, and ethics. OCI has not prepared any study program or manuals for the product knowledge questions of the exam.

Printed/hard copies of the Intermediary Guide are no longer available through OCI.

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