Town Mutual Insurers (ch. 612, Wis. Stat. companies)
Section Ins 13.09 (4), Wis. Adm. Code requires town mutual insurance companies to have unlimited aggregate excess of loss reinsurance based on the following:
- Lower capital and financial requirements
- Limited filing requirements
- No actuarial opinion requirements
- The CPA may provide certain bookkeeping services in addition to the auditor
- Geographical concentration
The maximum attachment point for the unlimited aggregate excess of loss coverage shall be determined in accordance with s. Ins 13.09 (4), Wis. Adm. Code, as prescribed by the following table:
300% or higher
101% - 299%
100% or less
Converted Town Mutuals (ch. 611 companies)
To ensure financial solvency town mutual insurers that have converted to a ch. 611, Wis. Stat., company must meet the following requirements:
- For companies reporting prior year-end policyholder surplus less than $10 million excluding Wisconsin Reinsurance Stock
- If not included within the aggregate excess of loss cover, the company shall not retain more than $50,000 in liability losses and loss adjustment expense.
- No later than October 15, the company shall submit to OCI for approval its reinsurance proposal for the upcoming year.
Reinsurance coverage shall be based on the results of a recognized software model (administered by a licensed reinsurance intermediary broker or insurance company licensed under the Wisconsin statutes), on the company’s exposure to the frequency and severity of catastrophic risk.
The proposed reinsurance coverage, at a minimum, shall protect the company from an annual aggregate loss accumulation that is no greater than the .4% exceedance probability (e.g., 1 in 250-year event), as determined by the software model.
The maximum attachment point for the aggregate loss coverage shall be determined in accordance with s. Ins. 13.09, Wis. Adm. Code, as prescribed by the table below:
300% or higher
101% - 299%
100% or less
The company can use any other method to determine the attachment point if it can demonstrate that the maximum attachment point calculated under s. Ins 13.09, Wis. Adm. Code is not exceeded.
- Approval process may also consider the following metrics:
- Results of CAT models based on the company's exposure, total value at risk (TIV) and geographical concentration
- Net surplus at risk
- Direct and net written premium volume and the relationship between prior year-end surplus and prior year-end premium written
- Any other metrics that the commissioner considers pertinent for the protection of the company's financial position to ensure consumer protection
- For companies with policyholder surplus greater than $10 million excluding Wisconsin Reinsurance Stock with no limited or unlimited aggregates excess of loss coverage that complies with the section above:
- Must file annual RBC calculation
- Must obtain an independent Certified Public Account (CPA) annual audit opinion
- Must obtain a CAT model annually and present it to the board prior to approval of the reinsurance contract for the upcoming calendar year
Affiliation Pools
The needed reinsurance coverage for affiliation pools will be assessed at the pool and individual insurer level of each pool participant. Results of CAT models shall be based on the pool’s exposure, total value at risk (TIV), and geographical concentration.
To safeguard the financial solvency of individual pool participants, in the absence of other arrangements approved by OCI, the net maximum attachment point for aggregate exposure shall comply with s. Ins 13.09 (4), Wis. Adm. Code.