Company Agent Appointments

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated:December 19, 2024

​Jump to Section: Initial Appoint​​ments | Appointment Exemptions | Termination of Appointments | Company Appointment Billing |​ Company Mergers & Company Appointment Billing |​ Agent Appointment and Termination Resources​

Insurers must appoint agents within 15 days after the earlier of the date that the agent contract is executed or the first insurance application is submitted (whichever comes first). Refer to s. Ins 6.57 (2), Wis. Adm. Code ​​. The insurer must show the lines of authority being requested for the agent. An appointment is valid only for the lines of insurance ​requested.

Insurers will submit all initial agent appointments electronically through ​​ or an NIPR​​ authorized business partner ​​ at the time of submission.

Appointment Fees

Resident Initial fee of $16 regardless of the number of lines of authority.

Nonresident Initial fee of $30 regardless of the number of lines of authority.​

Appointment Exemptions

The following license types are exempt from requiring appointments:

  • Surplus Line Agents
  • Life Settlement Brokers
  • Intermediary Firms
  • Managing General Agents​
  • Reinsurance Individual Intermediary
  • Navigators
  • Individual Employee Benefit Plan Administrator
  • Public Adjusters

Exception for insurers that sell long-term care insurance or annuity products:

  • If the insurer sells long-term care insurance, the agent must hold a license, must be appointed and must have completed the required long-term care training before the agent can solicit, negotiate or sell long-term care insurance.
  • If the insurer sells annuities, the agent must complete the insurer-specific annuity product training and have completed the required four-hour annuity training before soliciting the sale of any annuity product.

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Termination of Agent Appointments

Insurers must notify the Commissioner within 30 days of the termination date. Prior to or within 15 days of filing such notice, the insurer shall provide the agent written notice of the termination. Refer to s. Ins 6.57 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.

Insurers must submit agent terminations electronically through nip​ ​ or an NIPR authorized business partner ​​.

Insurers are required to submit documentation if the agent appointment was terminated for cause. This documentation need not prove violations but should include situations where possible violations exist.

Insurers can use the Termination for Cause Checklist​ to ensure the appropriate documentation is submitted to our office. ​​Materials and inquiries should be submitted to

The insurer must report a termination if the agent is alleged to have violated one of the following [s. Ins 6.59 (5) (d), Wis. Adm. Code]:

  • Providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete or materially untrue information in the license application.
  • Violating any insurance laws, or violating any regulation, subpoena or order of the insurance commissioner or of another state's insurance commissioner.
  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud.
  • Improperly withholding, misappropriating or converting any monies or properties received in the course of doing insurance business.
  • Intentionally misrepresenting the terms of an actual or proposed insurance contract or application for insurance.
  • Having been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor substantially related to the circumstances of holding an insurance license.
  • Having admitted or been found to have committed any insurance unfair trade practice or fraud.
  • Using fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices, or demonstrating incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business in this state or elsewhere.
  • Having an insurance producer license, or its equivalent, denied, suspended or revoked in any other state, province, district or territory.
  • Forging another's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction.
  • Improperly using notes or any other reference material to complete an examination for an insurance license.
  • Knowingly accepting insurance business from an individual who is not licensed.
  • Failing to comply with an administrative or court order imposing a child support obligation.
  • Failing to pay state income tax or comply with any administrative or court order directing payment of state income tax.

Insurer will also be required to submit documentation within 30 days if a complaint is received alleging the following [s. Ins 6.57 (2) (b), Wis. Adm. Code]:

  • Company Indebtedness
  • Forgery
  • Altering Policies
  • Fraud
  • Misappropriation
  • Misrepresentation
  • Failure to promptly Submit Applications or Premiums
  • Poor Policyholder Service Involving the Agent Being Terminated​

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Company Appointment Billing—Appointment Renewals

Reconciliation of appointed agents must be completed by December 31 each year by 11:59 p.m. CST. A list of agents can be obtained via the Company Appointment Report (CAR) by companies with an NAIC CoCode. This is available to NIPR subscribers. A company can also look up their active appointments via our LookUp Search link. 

Appointment Renewal Invoices will be available on NIPR in January of every year. Appointment renewal invoices and a list of agents associated with the invoice will be generated annually and open for companies to pay the morning of January 5 and close on March 15 at 4:00 p.m. CST.

All payments must be made electronically via nip​ ​​. NIPR will assess a 1% renewal transaction fee of the total state fees charged. The minimum transaction fee is $5 and the maximum is $1,000. Fees are non-refundable.

If the renewal invoice is not paid by March 15, all agent appointments will be terminated with an effective termination date of March 15​. In order to activate those appointments, the insurer will need to re-appoint and pay initial appointment fees again via nipr.​com ​.

If you have any questions about the appointment renewal ​process, contact NIPR Customer Service.

  • Send a Request to NIPR via their Contact Us option.
  • Phone:  (855) 674-NIPR(6477)

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Company Mergers & Company Appointment Billing

In a merger, there are two options for the non-surviving company to terminate agent appointments:

  • The non-surviving company can terminate its agent appointments on December 31. An agent appointment invoice​​ will not be generated for the non-surviving company if all appointed agents are terminated by December 31.

  • If the non-surviving company does not terminate the appointed agents as of December 31, an agent appointment invoice will be generated to be paid by March 15 of the following year. The non-surviving company can allow that invoice to lapse due to nonpayment. The active appointments for the non-surviving company will terminate with the lapse.

​The surviving company must ensure that all transitioning agents are appointed with the new surviving company on the effective date of the merger.

The surviving company will pay the initial appointment fee at the time it submit the new appointment via

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Agent Appointment and Termination Resources

How to verify appointed agent before and/or after the merger:

  • Instruction on how to pull the company record and pull a list of active appointments can be found via our Lookup Tool​ page.

  • The link to look up the company record can be found via our Lookup Search link. Once you pull up the company record, go to the appointments section and verify the active appointed agents.

  • Note: as a best practice, the surviving and non-surviving companies should verify their appointed agents before and after the merger to be sure the correct agents terminated with the non-surviving company and appointed with the surviving company.
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