Each insurance business entity licensee shall, within 30 days, notify the commissioner in writing of any change in its business mailing address, business address, contact email address, location of the business records, or a change in the name and address of the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP), per s. Ins 6.58 (6), Wis. Adm. Code .
Business entity licensees can send license changes via the following sites:
Change requests sent directly to Agent Licensing should include entity name, national producer number (NPN), federal employer indetification number (FEIN), statement requesting the change, and effective date if applicable. Requests must be completed either by the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) or an officer of the business entity.
If the business entity is changing their FEIN (Tax ID), you must complete the following:
Voluntary surrender the license. A statement must be sent by the DRLP or an officer of the entity requesting the surrender of the license.
- Reapply electronically via nipr.com or through an NIPR authorized business partner for a new intermediary business entity license under the new FEIN and name. The application fee is $100 along with processing fees.
Name Changes - Section 628.34 (1), Wis. Stat . indicates that no intermediary or insurer may use any business name, slogan, emblem, or related device that is misleading or likely to cause the intermediary or insurer to be mistaken for another insurer or intermediary already in business. Our office may deny your request to change the entity name if the new name is likely to cause consumer confusion.
Doing Business As (DBA) – DBAs are not required in Wisconsin; however, requests can be sent directly to ociagentlicensing@wisconsin.gov.