License Changes and Requests

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: September 5, 2024​

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Each individual licensee shall, within 30 days, notify the commissioner in writing of any change of name, residence address, email address, business address or mailing address per s. Ins 6.61 (15), Wis. Adm. Code 

Individual licensees can send license changes via the following sites:

  • National Producer Insurance Registry (NIPR) -Licensees can update their business address, mailing address, phone number, or email addresses through the Contact Change Request  via NIPR. Wisconsin resident licensees will not be able to update their address if moving out of the state of Wisconsin. Those specific changes must be submitted directly to Agent Licensing via email.

Requests to change licensing information should include your full name, national producer number (NPN), old information, new information, statement requesting the change, and effective date if applicable.   

Name changes can be submitted electronically via the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) through the Contact Change Request or in via email to our general email at When submitting an email request include previous name, new name, National Producer Number (NPN), statement requesting the change, reason for the change, and effective date.

Once the changes have been made, agents may print an updated license from State Based Systems (SBS) 

Each insurance business entity licensee shall, within 30 days, notify the commissioner in writing of any change in its business mailing address, business address, contact email address, location of the business records, or a change in the name and address of the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP), per s. Ins 6.58 (6), Wis. Adm. Code .

Business entity licensees can send license changes via the following sites:

Change requests sent directly to Agent Licensing should include entity name, national producer number (NPN), federal employer indetification number (FEIN), statement requesting the change, and effective date if applicable. Requests must be completed either by the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) or an officer of the business entity.

If the business entity is changing their FEIN (Tax ID), you must complete the following:

  1. Voluntary surrender the license. A statement must be sent by the DRLP or an officer of the entity requesting the surrender of the license.
  2. Reapply electronically via  or through an NIPR authorized business partner  for a new intermediary business entity license under the new FEIN and name. The application fee is $100 along with processing fees.

Name Changes - Section 628.34 (1), Wis. Stat . indicates that no intermediary or insurer may use any business name, slogan, emblem, or related device that is misleading or likely to cause the intermediary or insurer to be mistaken for another insurer or intermediary already in business. Our office may deny your request to change the entity name if the new name is likely to cause consumer confusion.

Doing Business As (DBA) – DBAs are not required in Wisconsin; however, requests can be sent directly to

Change of State Residency Requirements

Wisconsin uses any or all of the following criteria to determine residency:

  • Jurisdiction for payment of state taxes.

  • Jurisdiction for automobile driver's license and motor vehicle registration.

  • Location of voter registration, location of principal residence, such as owned or rented dwelling, condominium or apartment.

Agents can obtain their Wisconsin resident license within one year of inactivating their previous resident state license to avoid completing prelicensing education, fingerprinting, and the exam requirements. Only the same lines of authority previously held can be applied for in Wisconsin. Any new lines of authority not previously held will require agents to follow the resident licensing requirements.

Licensing Steps:

  1. Voluntary surrender of the previous resident license to inactivate that license. Agents are not allowed to have two active resident licenses.

  2. Voluntary surrender of the Wisconsin nonresident license. 

  3. Apply electronically via  for a resident license. Each line of authority is $75 along with processing fees.

Agents can obtain their Wisconsin resident license within one year of inactivating their previous resident state license to avoid completing prelicensing education, fingerprinting, and the exam requirements. Only the same lines of authority previously held can be applied for in Wisconsin. Any new lines of authority not previously held will require agents to follow the resident licensing requirements.

Licensing Steps:

  1. Voluntary surrender of the previous resident license to inactivate that license. Agents are not allowed to have two active resident licenses.

  2. Apply electronically via  for a resident license. Each line of authority is $75 along with processing fees.

  1. Report address changes within 30 days to the Commissioner's office.

  2. Once address is updated the resident license will be placed into a 60 day status.

  3. Our office will send a letter to the licensed agent that they may retain authority under their Wisconsin resident license for 60 days. If the agent has not applied for a nonresident license within those 60 days, the Wisconsin resident license will be canceled.

Other states may require agents to inactivate their resident Wisconsin license before obtaining another state's resident license. A letter of clearance can be requested by the agent.

  1. Report address changes within 30 days to the Commissioner's office.

  2. Once address is updated the nonresident license will be placed into a 60 day status.

  3. Our office will notify the licensed agent that they may retain authority under their Wisconsin nonresident license for 60 days and request the agent to provide evidence of their new active resident license to Wisconsin.

  4. Submit a copy of new resident license to our office via email at

  5. Failure to provide updated license and address information will result in the cancellation of the Wisconsin nonresident license. In order to obtain licensure again, agents must re-apply via  and pay licensing and processing fees.

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Agents wishing to voluntary surrender their license should send a request via email with a statement of the license or lines of authority they wish to surrender to Include name, National Producer Number (NPN), and statement requesting the surrender of license or specific lines of authority. If effective date is not included, the license will be surrendered the date the request was received.

Once a request to surrender the license is processed, the license becomes inactive. There is NO grace period to rescind the request. Agents will need to follow the Wisconsin licensing requirements in order to obtain licensure once again.

A letter of clearance is an official document generated by our office for our resident agents which will change the license status to inactive (canceled). Letters of clearance are used to obtain a resident license in another state. Wisconsin does not require a letter of clearance in order for individuals to become resident licensed in Wisconsin.

Requests should be emailed to and include name, National Producer Number (NPN), statement of request, effective date, and new mailing address. There is no fee for this request.

A letter of clearance can also be emailed to agent by request only; otherwise, the letters are sent by first-class mail.

A letter of certification is an official document confirming the status and history of an insurance license. Individuals can obtain a printout from State Based Systems (SBS)  under licensee look-up  and use this document in lieu of a letter of certification. There is no fee for this request.

If the insurer reports the agent as deceased, additional documentation such as an obituary, newspaper article, or the death certificate must be e​mailed to​