Certified Application Counselor Registration

​​Last Updated: May 20​, 2024

​A non-navigator assister means a natural person who has been designated by the exchange, or could reasonably be described as working at the behest of the exch​ange, as a non-navigator assister, including an in-person assister, enrollment assister, application assister, or certified application counselor per s. 628.90 (4), Wis. Stat.

Individuals working in settings such as federally qualified health centers, hospitals, health care providers, social service agencies, local health departments and Indian Health Services who do the following must be registered with OCI:

  • Help consumers fill out electronic and paper applications to establish eligibility for​​​​ the federal exchange and public assistance programs; and

  • Help consumers enroll in coverage on the federal exchange.

CACs are not permitted to provide advice to consumers or employers about which health insurance plan offered on the federal exchange best meets their needs. Only a licensed health insurance agent may offer such advice. Additionally, CACs have a responsibility to make consumers aware that health insurance plans are available for purchase off the federal exchange but are not permitted to assist consumers in comparing health insurance plans offered off the federal exchange.​

No non-navigator assister may act as a non-navigator assister until they are registered per s. 628.96 (1), Wis. Stat. ​​​​​​

Individual Certified Application Counselors/Non-Navigator Assisters ​

  1. Complete 16-hour prelicensing training requirement which can be in accident and health or navigator-specific training. See list of courses offered . CACs should retain a copy of the documentation demonstrating successful completion of the prelicensing requirement for their own records.

  2. Complete any federally mandated training required under the federal health care exchange for CACs.

  3. Schedule and pass a navigator exam through the PSI website at PSI WI exams . Exam fee of $75.

  4. Provide evidence of certification with an organization(entity) designated by the federal exchange as a CAC organization.

  5. Organization CAC is affiliated with will notify OCI with your name.

Certified Application Counselor Frequently Asked Questions

CACs must complete 8 hours of health insurance continuing education training each year. See CE Guidance Memo.

Individual Certified Application Counselors/Non-navigator Assister Entities (CAC)

CAC entities in a federal exchange will be federally qualified health centers, hospitals, health care providers, social service agencies, local health departments and Indian Health Services. CAC entities, with the help of individual CACs, will:

  • Help consumers fill out electronic and paper applications to establish eligibility for the federal exchange and public assistance programs; and

  • Help consumers enroll in coverage on the federal exchange.

Entities are required to register if that entity employs one or more non-navigator assister per s. 628.96 (1), Wis. Stat  and s. Ins 6.95, Wis. Adm. Code 

Non-Navigator Assister Entities

  1. Once authorized by the federal exchange to provide non-navigator/CAC assistance, the non-navigator/CAC entity must;

    1. Set up a MyWisconsinID here: General Information & Assistance with MyWisconsinID 

    2. Register with OCI by using the Non-Navigator Business Entity Registration. Step by step instructions can be found here: Non-Navigator Data Entry Process 

  2. Provide a list of all individual CAC's and any other non-navigator assisters it employs, supervises, or it affiliated with. Individual non-navigator/CAC's can be added through the Non-navigator Business Entity Registration  

  3. Provide monthly updates, if any, to the list of individual non-navigator assisters/CACs it employs, supervises, or is affiliated with. Individual non-navigator/CAC's can be updated through the Non-navigator Business Entity Registration .

Please note: Any government entity or anyone working on behalf of a governmental entity is exempt from the state registration requirements.

Certified Application Counselor Entity Frequently Asked Questions

By October 1 of each year, non-navigator assister/CAC entities must attest to OCI that their non-navigator assisters/CAC have completed the required training. Entities can attest to compliance through the Non-navigator Business Entity Registration . Additionally, non-navigator assister/CAC entities must maintain documentation verifying that the non-navigator assisters/CACs working for or with the entity have completed the continuing education requirement.

This documentation shall consist of the following and is subject to audit by OCI:

  • A summary record for each individual listing the course title, date of completion, course hours, mode of delivery (classroom, webinar, etc.) and location of class.

  • Certificates of completion or verification of attendance for each course with a signature of the instructor or monitor verifying attendance.

  • Course summary, outline or agenda describing the content of the course.

Entities are also required to report any updates (additions, deletions, or modifications) to the list of non-navigator assisters that the non-navigator assister entity per s. Ins 6.95 (3), Wis. Adm. Code 

You can refer to s. Ins 6.96, Wis. Adm. Code  for a prohibited acts for navigators, navigator entities, non-navigator assisters and non-navigator assister entities. 

You can refer to s. Ins 6.97, Wis. Adm. Code  for rules on record keeping requirements.

You can refer to s. Ins 6.99, Wis. Adm. Code  for details on exemptions.

View HealthCare.gov's online directory .

The Commissioner's Office also has a public search  available which includes languages and counties served.

OCI recognizes tribal sovereignty over foreign persons, activities, and land within each tribal nation. As such, OCI clarifies that CAC entities operating on a reservation or within sovereign jurisdictions are not subject to ch. 628 , Wis. Stat., or ss. Ins 6.91  to 6.99 , Wis. Adm. Code.

Registration Scenarios & Guidance

An individual navigator becoming a Certified Application Counselor (CAC) can allow their navigator license to lapse/nonrenew and is not required to voluntarily surrender their navigator license. A navigator exam is not required.

The affiliated entity only needs to submit the required attestation to our office of the new CAC added to their entity.

The affiliated entity only needs to submit the required attestation to our office of the termination of individual CAC. No navigator exam is required.

Navigator Licensing Steps

  1. Make a reservation with Fieldprint at fieldprintwisconsin.com for your digital fingerprinting. Fingerprinting information is valid for only 180 days. Use Fieldprint code FPWIOCIINSURANCE when scheduling your appointment.

  2. Must be affiliated with a navigator entity.

  3. Apply via paper application Individual Navigator Applicationand send directly to ociagentlicensing@wisconsin.gov.

  4. No fee required.

The affiliated entity only needs to submit the required attestation to our office of the termination of individual CAC affiliation. Individuals must follow steps under resident licensing requirements .

A licensed agent can keep their license active however, cannot have any active accident & health company agent appointments.

Complete any federally mandated training required under the federal health care exchange.

The affiliated entity only needs to submit the required attestation to our office of the new individual CAC added.

​List of Non-Navigator Assisters/CAC Entities and/or Non-Navigator Assisters/CAC Individuals

Search for entities a​nd ind​ividuals​  by city or county for website and contact information.​