Registered Agents for Insurance Companies

​​​Last Updated: May 29, 2024

ATTENTION: Online Registered Agent information is currently unavailable. For Registered Agent information please send an e-mail to with the complete name of the company or call 608-266-0090 and leave a message.

Authorized insurers are required to designate a Registered Agent at a Wisconsin address for service of process concerning a Wisconsin court case or a proceeding before a Wisconsin state agency (s. 601.715, Wis. Stat.). An insurer may change its Registered Agent in accordance with s. 601.715 (2), Wis. Stat., by filing a new Designation of Registered Agent form​. The Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) maintains a file of all designated Registered Agents for insurance companies licensed in Wisconsin but does not maintain telephone numbers for Registered Agents.

Registered Agent information on file with OCI is located at State Based Systems .

  1. Under Jurisdiction select "Wisconsin" from the dropdown list. Under Search Type select "Company" from the dropdown list.

  2. In the search field under Company Name type the name or partial name of the company for which you are seeking Registered Agent information.

  3. Scroll down and click the "I agree to the NAIC's Terms and Conditions" box and then click the "Search" button.

  4. Click on the company name. Under Company Type, make sure the company is Active. Registered Agent information is not maintained for Inactive companies.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the "Contact" information header and locate the "Registered Agent for Service of Process" section. If there is an asterisk in the "Name" field, serve the process at the listed business address without listing an individual's name. Depending on your screen resolution, you may need to scroll to the far right to see the "Address" column for the Registered Agent.

If you find an Active company but there is no registered agent listed, contact OCI at

If you cannot find the company, the insurer might have changed its name,​ merged with another insurer, or be using a group name rather than the name of the actual insurer. You can obtain further information by contacting OCI at​.

If you are unable to complete service on a Registered Agent after reasonable diligence, or if a company does not have a designated Registered Agent, you may accomplish substituted service on OCI by following the procedures in s. 601.72, Wis. Stat. Please note the case must involve a Wisconsin court or a proceeding before a Wisconsin state agency. Mail the following to OCI at P.O. Box 7873, Madison WI 53707-7873:

  1. A cover letter naming the documents, the insurance company, and the address you wish to serve.

  2. Two identical authenticated copies of the documents to be served (e.g., summons, complaint, notice, pleadings, orders).

  3. A check for $10.00 payable to the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance for each service.

  4. A self-addressed, stamped envelope to return a copy of the certificate of process to you.