Town Mutual Annual Statement and other Annual Reporting Forms

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: January 8, 2025​

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) has implemented a Financial Filing Portal for companies to securely make financial related filings electronically with the Division of Financial Regulation. Use of the Financial Filing Portal is requested for all town mutuals. Prior to making your first filing, you must get a login and password to the Financial Filing Portal. Please refer to the instructions located at:

Filing Instructions:

Town Mutual Annual Statement Filing Instructions for filing the Town Mutual Annual Statement, Schedule of Fees and Fire dues, CPA Audited Financial Statements, Reinsurance Contracts, Holding Company Registration Statement (Form B/C), Form F, Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Filing, and Annual Diversity Survey can be obtained through the following link:

Town Mutual Annual Statement Filing Instructions

Town Mutual Annual Statement:

Instructions for completing the Town Mutual Annual Statement can be obtained through the following link:

Town Mutual Annual Statement Instructions

Companies are required to complete the annual statement electronically, using the following Excel template:

  • IMPORTANT: For town mutuals that merged with an effective date in 2024, please do not use the ​"Update Prior Year" button on the "Table of Contents" tab.  Prior year data for merged town mutuals will need to be entered manually.

Town Mutual Annual Statement Excel Template
Excel template Instructions

In addition to the Excel file, companies are required to submit a PDF version of the annual statement. This PDF version, along with a separate signed Signature Page, is the official public filing. [Note: The Excel file includes a macro for creating a PDF version.]

Companies are requested to submit both ​versions of the annual statement (Excel and PDF) through the Financial Filing Portal by February 15.

Links to other Annual Reporting Forms:

CPA Audit Checklist for Town Mutuals

CPA Audit Exemption for Town Mutuals

Schedule of Fees and Fire Dues for Town MutualsPlease Note: Special instructions for non-surviving company in a merger or conversion transaction.