Last Updated: February 27, 2025
Companies can now make most of their filings with the Division of Financial Regulation (DFR) through the OCI Financial Filing Portal. DFR is routinely updating the filings the portal can receive, so insurers are encouraged to check to see if what they are filing can be filed through the portal for more efficient processing.
Tips for filing through the portal:
Financial reporting items listed on the NAIC Checklist, except for those items with an "As needed" due date, should select the correct period (e.g., Annual, 1st Q, etc.) in the "Please select a Period" drop down box.
Financial reporting items listed on the NAIC Checklist with an "As needed" due date should select "Other" in the "please select a Period" drop down box.
Other required filings that are not associated with a specific financial reporting period should be filed by selecting "Other" in the "Please select a Period" drop down box. For example, Form Ds, Surplus Note Requests, Extraordinary Dividend/Distribution Requests, etc.
When filing "Biographicals" each individual biographical should be its own file (i.e., don't combine multiple individuals in one document).
When making filings in the "Other" period, except for biographicals, the entire filing must be in one document. For example, if you have a Form D filing with multiple appendices/attachments, combine them into one file prior to uploading to the portal.
Prior to Initial Filing
The Wisconsin OCI Financial Filing Portal application is composed of three components and users must complete three steps to submit filings:
Obtain a WAMS ID
Request permission for your WAMS ID
Login to the OCI Financial Filing Portal and upload documents
Please refer to
Intro to Company Instructions for a one-page instruction guide.
Detailed directions on the above can be found at
OCI Financial Portal Security Administration User Guide.
WAMS Account Setup For best results use Google Chrome
Making the Filing
After all the necessary access has been granted for the company/group, you are now ready to make the actual filing. Instructions for making a filing can be found at
OCI Financial Filing Portal User Guide.
When making a filing the user will need to determine if the filing is related to a specific financial reporting period, or if it is related to a transaction or document that needs to be reviewed by OCI for approval, non-disapproval, or disapproval.
For financial reporting filings that are specific to a period, the user will select the period the filing is for (i.e. Annual, Quarter 1, Quarter 2, or Quarter 3) and then the year. For example, for filing the 2020 annual statement that will be filed on March 1, 2021, the user would select “Annual" for period and then “2020" for the year.
A mapping of the NAIC checklist name to the portal name is listed at
NAIC Checklist and Portal Filing Name Mapping.
Make an OCI Financial Filing For best results use Google Chrome