Merger of National Mutual Benefit with and into Western Fraternal Life Association

​​​​​​​Last Updated:  December 4, 2020

Information on the Proposed Merger of National Mutual Benefit with and into Western Fraternal Life Association Pursuant to Chapter 614.73 of the Wisconsin Statutes

On June 19, 2020, Western Fraternal Life Association filed a Form A concerning an Agreement of Merger whereby National Mutual Benefit would merge with and into Western Fraternal Life Association and Western Fraternal Life Association would simultaneously redomicile from Iowa to Wisconsin effective January 1, 2021.

The office shall issue a certificate approving the merger or consolidation, upon a finding that:

(a) The contract conforms to the provisions of Chapter 614 of the Wisconsin Statutes;

(b) The parties to the proposed contract have complied with the provisions of s. 614.73 (3); and

(c) The proposed contract is just and equitable to the members of each fraternal.

List of Filed Exhibits


Notice of Hearing

Hearing​ Documents