On June 19, 2020, Western Fraternal Life Association filed a Form A concerning an Agreement of Merger whereby National Mutual Benefit would merge with and into Western Fraternal Life Association and Western Fraternal Life Association would simultaneously redomicile from Iowa to Wisconsin effective January 1, 2021.
The office shall issue a certificate approving the merger or consolidation, upon a finding that:
(a) The contract conforms to the provisions of Chapter 614 of the Wisconsin Statutes;
(b) The parties to the proposed contract have complied with the provisions of s. 614.73 (3); and
(c) The proposed contract is just and equitable to the members of each fraternal.
Letter to Commissioner Mark V. Afable from Delores E. Seymour, Western Fraternal Life Association District 7, Lodge Jan Zizka #67, dated March 27, 2020
Letter to Michael Mancusi-Ungaro, Insurance Financial Examiner – Advanced (Licensing), OCI, from Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated April 14, 2020
Letter to Commissioner Mark V. Afable from Delores E. Seymour, Western Fraternal Life Association District 7, Lodge Jan Zizka #67, dated June 5, 2020
Letter to Amy J. Malm, Administrator of the OCI's Division of Financial Regulation, from Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated June 17, 2020
Email to Steve Junior, Insurance Program Manager, OCI's Division of Financial Regulation, from Jacob R. Sestak, Western Fraternal Life Association Pre-Convention Committee Member, dated June 22, 2020, with the following attachments
Letter from Philip J. Torticill, Retired President of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated June 6, 2020
Letter from Galen Spinler, Western Fraternal Life Association National Convention Delegate-at-large, Lodge Owatonna #127, dated June 7, 2020
Letter from Julius Dubcak, Retired Director of District 7 of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated June 8, 2020
Letter from Elaine Benda, President of Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge Jan Zizka #67, dated June 10, 2020
Letter from Marilyn Berousek, 2019 Western Fraternal Life Association Convention Delegate, District 7, Lodge Jan Zizka #67, dated June 15, 2020
Letter from Jacob R. Sestak, Western Fraternal Life Association Pre-Convention Committee Member, dated June 20, 2020
Report on Possible Wrongdoing on Accounts of Craig Van Dyke, Dale Shinnick, and Western Fraternal Life Board of Directors During the Consolidation of Western Fraternal Life and National Mutual Benefit
Letter to Delores E. Seymour, Western Fraternal Life Association District 7, Lodge Jan Zizka #67, from Amy J. Malm, Administrator of OCI's Division of Financial Regulation, dated July 24, 2020
Letter to Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association. and Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, from Steven J. Junior, OCI, dated August 20, 2020
Email to OCI Company Licensing mailbox from Lilian Sulzman dated August 23, 2020
Complaint regarding the proposed merger by Philip J. Torticill, dated August 25, 2020
Email to Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association. and Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, from Steven J. Junior, OCI, dated August 31, 2020, concerning request for confidential biographical affidavits for certain officers of National Mutual Benefit and for clarification on a confidential aspect of a possible insurance product under the post-merger business plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
Email to Steven J. Junior, OCI, from Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, and Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated September 2, 2020
Response to questions in the letter to Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association. and Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, from Steven J. Junior, OCI, dated August 20, 2020
Email to Steven J. Junior, OCI, from Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association. and Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, in response to the August 31, 2020, request for additional confidential information, dated September 2, 2020 [CONFIDENTIAL]
Email to OCI Company Licensing mailbox from Elaine Benda, President of Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge Jan Zizka #67, dated September 3, 2020 [REDACTED]
Letter to Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association. and Daniel Shinnick, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Mutual Benefit, from Steven J. Junior, OCI, dated September 9, 2020
Revised Appendix O - Western Fraternal Life Association 2020 Ballot Certification after Close of the Election dated September 8, 2020, and received by the OCI on September 9, 2020
Email to Steven J. Junior, OCI, from Craig Van Dyke, President and Chief Executive Officer of Western Fraternal Life Association, dated September 9, 2020, acknowledging receipt of additional questions