Managing General Agent Individual/Firm License

​​​​​​​​Last Updated: January 19, 2024​

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Managing General Agent Individual License

Wisconsin law defines a managing general a​gent (MGA) as a person who manages all or part of the insurance business of an insurer or manages a separate division, department or underwriting office; acts as an agent for the insurer; AND with or without the authority, either separately or together with affiliates, directly or indirectly:

  1. Produces and underwrites in any one quarter or year an amount of gross direct written premium equal to or more than 5% of the policyholder surplus as reported in the last annual statement of the insurer; and
  2. Adjusts or pays claims in any one quarter or year in excess of 3% of the policyholder surplus as reported in the last annual statement of the insurer, or negotiates reinsurance on behalf of the insurer, or both.

For more information, please refer to ch. Ins 42, ​Wis. Adm. Code ​​.

Initial Application Requirements

  1. Reciprocal MGA license in resident state required to obtain an MGA license in Wisconsin. (nonresident applicants)
  2. Individual must have an active intermediary license in Wisconsin.
  3. Apply via or through an NIPR authorized business p​artner ​​.
  4. Pay initial license fee of $75.

Renewal Requirements

  1. Apply via or through an NIPR authorized business partner ​​.
  2. Pay biennial license renewal fee of either $35 for residents or $70 for nonresidents.

Managing General Agent licenses are not eligible for reinstatement. If your license expires, you must re-apply via nipr.c​om or through an NIPR authorized business partner ​​.

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Managing General Agent Firm License

Initial Application Requirements

  1. Reciprocal MGA Firm license in resident state required to obtain an MGA license in Wisconsin.
  2. Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) must have reciprocal license in resident state.
  3. DRLP must have an active intermediary license in Wisconsin in order to obtain a Wisconsin MGA license.
  4. Apply via or through an NIPR authorized business partner .
  5. Pay initial license fee of $100.

Renewal Requirements due February 15th Every Even-Numbered Year

  1. Apply via or through an NIPR authorized business partner .
  2. Pay license renewal fee of either $35 for residents or $70 for nonresidents.

Managing General Agent licenses are not eligible for reinstatement. If your license expires, you must re-apply via ​​ or through an NIPR authorized business partner .

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​Managing General Agent Exceptions


If the MGA business entity/individual license is not available in your state, you may provide the following from your resident state department of insurance (DOI). The statement must indicate the business entity as having the authority to act as a Managing General Agent. This statement will meet Wisconsin's requirement for the MGA business entity/individual license.

If resident state does not issue an ​MGA license, the requirements are the following:

Requirements for Nonresident Individuals

  1. Evidence of statutory language or a letter from the resident DOI indicating MGA authority is not given on an individual level but only at an agency level.
  2. Statement from an officer of the agency indicating that the DRLP is an employee of that agency.
  3. Submit the Resident/Nonresident Managing General Agent License paper application.
  4. Submit check or money order for license fee—$75 initial fee/$70 renewal fee.

Requirements for Nonresident Firms

  1. A written statement from the resident DOI of no license being available; however, authority given.
  2. Submit Resident/Nonresident Managing General Agent License pa​per application.
  3. Submit check or money order for the license fee in the amount of $100.

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