Madison, Wis. — The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) is responsible for administering and enforcing the insurance laws of Wisconsin. This includes monitoring the financial and marketing practices of individuals and companies. Each month, OCI publishes the administrative actions it has taken against these entities. The actions are issued by OCI when licensing applicants, or licensed individuals or companies have violated Wisconsin insurance statutes or regulations. In some cases, the individual or company denied the stated allegations but consented to the action taken. OCI strives to ensure fair and honest business practices to protect Wisconsin insurance consumers through this type of transparency. Copies of the administrative orders may be viewed online at
Any forfeitures paid are deposited in Wisconsin's Common School Fund administered by the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands. Earnings from the Fund are distributed to all public K-12 schools in the state and are used by school libraries to purchase materials such as books, newspapers, and computers.
If you have a question or complaint regarding an insurance company or agent you can use the online complaint form on our website,, or contact OCI at 1-800-236-8517.
Allegations and Actions Against Agents
Todd M. Adams, 1330 S. Monroe St., #403, Monroe, MI 48161, had his insurance license revoked. This action was taken based on allegations of failing to disclose a criminal conviction, failing to report administrative actions taken by another state, failing to respond to inquiries by OCI, and failing to participate as ordered in an administrative hearing.
Donna S. Gage, 1730 S. Federal Hwy., # 270, Delray Beach, FL 33483, had her application for an insurance license denied. This action was taken based on allegations of failing to disclose administrative actions taken by other states, having a license denied by another state, and having a probationary license in her resident state.
Donald Haworth, 871 Klondike Ave., Hillsboro, WI 54634, agreed to surrender his Wisconsin insurance license and to pay a forfeiture of $10,000.00 upon application for reinstatement. This action was taken based on allegations of affecting personal transactions with a consumer, having himself listed as a beneficiary of proceeds of his customer's insurance and annuity policies, and recommending life insurance and annuity policies without reasonable grounds to believe that they were suitable for the consumer.
Daniel M. Liska, N4711 S. Lake Sandia Dr., Krakow, WI 54137, had his insurance license revoked. This action was taken based on allegations of owing delinquent Wisconsin taxes.
Nikolaos Paras, 3333 New Hyde Park Rd., Ste. 409, New Hyde Park, NY 11042, had his application for an insurance license denied. This action was taken based on allegations of having previous administrative actions in Wisconsin and other states.
Milo Perrault, 1383 Yates Ave., Austell, GA 30106, had his application for an insurance license denied. This action was taken based on allegations of previous administrative actions and failing to report administrative actions.
Jasmine Roberts, 9301 E. US Highway 290, Apt. 1226, Austin, TX 78724-0008, agreed to surrender her Wisconsin insurance license. This action was taken based on allegations of failure to respond and failure to report administrative actions taken in other states.
Jacob Rosander, 824 El Mirador Dr., Fullerton, CA 92835, agreed to the suspension of his Wisconsin insurance license. This action was taken based on allegations of deceptive sales practices.
Armando J. Sanchez, 546 Ballough Rd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114, agreed to the permanent revocation of their Wisconsin insurance license. This action was taken based on allegations of switching consumers' health insurance plans without their knowledge or consent.
Harold D. Turner, 7036 N. Lincolnshire Cir., Milwaukee, WI 53223, had his insurance license revoked. This action was taken based on allegations of owing delinquent Wisconsin taxes.
Allegations and Actions Against Other Entities
Senior Benefits Center, PO Box 11020, New Brunswick, NJ 08906, was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $10,000.00. This action was taken based on allegations of using deceptive direct mail to solicit the sale of life insurance.
Copies of Administrative Actions