MONDAY FEB. 7: Lieutenant Governor Barnes, State Officials, and Madison Mayor Mark the Beginning of Flood Insurance Awareness Week
Governor Tony Evers has proclaimed February 6-12, 2022, as Flood Insurance Awareness Week. This week, the state of Wisconsin recognizes that homeowners, renters, and business owners can benefit from considering flood insurance coverage- especially as climate change contributes to an increased risk of flooding. It is important for Wisconsinites to flood-proof their finances, but there are other flood preparedness measures that individuals and communities can take today to prepare for spring flooding.
Monday, February 7, 2022
WHAT: On Monday, February 7, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner Nathan Houdek, Wisconsin Emergency Management Acting Administrator Greg Engle, and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway will be speaking at a virtual press conference to launch Flood Insurance Awareness Week and discuss the importance of flood preparedness in the face of the increased frequency and severity of flooding in Wisconsin.
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
WHO: Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes
Insurance Commissioner Nathan Houdek
Wisconsin Emergency Management Acting Administrator Greg Engle
Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway
WHERE: Virtual via Zoom-https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85302413793?pwd=VEFKaHpINGx4WVNRT0RvU0s0dkd5UT09