Bulletin, February 27, 2025, Change in Submission of Annual/Quarterly Premium Taxes, Annual Fees, Fire Department Dues Payments, and Annual Premium Tax Filings

Last Updated: February 27, 2025

Date: February 27, 2025 ​
To: Companies licensed in Wisconsin as Fraternal Societies, Health Maintenance Organizations, Life, Accident, and Health Insurers, Limited Health Service Organizations, Property and Casualty Insurers, Title Insurers, Town Mutual Insurers, and Domestic Surplus Lines insurers
From: Nathan Houdek, Commissioner of Insurance
Subject: Change in Submission of Annual/Quarterly Premium Taxes, Annual Fees, Fire Department Dues Payments, and Annual Premium Tax Filings


The Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) has implemented OPTins, a product of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), for insurers filing and paying Wisconsin premium taxes, fire department dues, and fees.

Companies paying taxes and fees required under Wis. Stats. § 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66, 76.67, 601.31, 601.55, and 601.93, must use OPTins to pay premium taxes beginning with the first 2025 quarterly estimated tax payment due April 15, 2025.

What does this mean for an insurer?

An insurer must establish an OPTins account so it can make its tax payments via OPTins. If an insurer already has an OPTins account, it should be set to make payments through OPTins. Also, Wisconsin premium tax forms will only be available to download via OPTins and complete starting with filing year 2025, due March 1, 2026.

An insurer will log into OPTins and go through the three-step filing wizard. Step two will allow the insurer to download and save the applicable form. From there the insurer will complete all fields within the Excel document and upload it into OPTins.

On step three, the non-refundable $17.50 NAIC transaction fee will be included with the premium tax amount due to Wisconsin.

Please do not mail any checks or lockbox payments to the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.

What are the next steps if an insurer doesn't have an OPTins account?

If an insurer has not created an OPTins account, the steps to implement an account and submit premium tax payments and filings is very simple. Go to www.optins.org and scroll down to Implementation Forms, select the paperwork that applies to the insurer.

It is important to register early because setting up a new account takes 7-10 business days. Contact the OPTins Marketing Team at optinsmktg@naic.org or call (816) 783-8787 if you have any questions regarding the implementation process.

Any questions or comments relating to the use of OPTins for payments and submission of filings as instructed above should be directed to the OCI Division of Financial Regulation at OCIFinancial@wisconsin.gov.​