Last Updated: January 31, 2023
The Insurance Statutes links below are to the pdf documents found on the Revisor of Statutes website. For the complete list, go to
Wisconsin Revisor of Statutes—Wisconsin Statutes .
600 Insurance – general provisions.
601 Insurance – administration.
604 State insurance funds; general principles.
605 Local government property insurance fund.
607 State life insurance fund.
609 Defined network plans.
610 Insurers in general.
611 Domestic stock and mutual insurance corporations.
612 Town mutuals.
613 Service insurance corporations.
614 Insurance – fraternals.
616 Miscellaneous insurers.
617 Regulation of insurance holding companies and intercorporate transactions relating to insurers.
618 Nondomestic insurers.
619 Risk-sharing plans.
620 Insurance – investments.
622 Own risk and solvency assessment.
623 Insurance – accounting and reserves.
625 Insurance – rate regulation.
626 Rate regulation in worker's compensation insurance.
627 Underwriting restrictions.
628 Insurance marketing.
629 Public adjusters.
630 General public policy provisions applicable to insurers and others.
631 Insurance contracts generally.
632 Insurance contracts in specific lines.
633 Employee benefit plan administrators and principals.
635 Small employer health insurance.
644 Domestic mutual insurance holding companies.
645 Insurers rehabilitation and liquidation.
646 Insurance security fund.
647 Continuing care contracts.
648 Regulation of care management organizations.
655 Health care liability and patients compensation.