Press Release, March 14, 2018, Public Hearing Notice (Chippewa Falls, WI): OCI 1332 Draft Waiver for State Innovation Application

​Last Updated: March 14, 2018

For more information contact: Elizabeth Hizmi, Public Information Officer, (608) 267-9460 or

​Public Hearing Notice (Chippewa Falls, WI):
OCI 1332 Draft Waiver for State Innovation Application

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) has developed a 1332 Draft Waiver for State Innovation Application under the Affordable Care Act pursuant to 2017 Wisconsin Act 138 allowing Wisconsin to leverage federal funding for the operation of a state based reinsurance plan. A 1332 Waiver permits states to pursue innovative strategies to ensure residents have access to affordable health insurance options. OCI has opened the 30-day public comment period for the 1332 Draft Waiver Application, which is attached to this release.  

OCI will hold a public hearing tomorrow in Chippewa Falls.

WHAT:           Public Hearing: OCI 1332 Draft Waiver for State Innovation Application

WHEN:           Thursday, March 15, 2018
                     Public hearing begins: 10:00AM

WHERE:         Chippewa Falls Public Library  
                     Virginia Smith Meeting Room  
                     105 West Central Street
                     Chippewa Falls, WI 5472


NOTE:            Credentialed members of the media are invited to attend.

Public Hearing Information – Attachments

OCI Public Hearing Presentation: Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan  

OCI 1332 Draft Waiver Application

The public comment period will be open from March 13 – April 14, 2018. Comments may be submitted in writing or in person at a public hearing.

Written comments on the OCI 1332 Draft Waiver Application may be submitted via e-mail at:

or mail at:

ATTN: JP Wieske, Deputy Commissioner
Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
PO Box 7873
Madison, WI 53707-7873

Later this week, OCI will also conduct public hearings in the following locations: Marshfield, Wausau, and Green Bay. Hearings in Milwaukee and Madison will occur in the coming weeks. Additional details are forthcoming.

Created by the Legislature in 1870, Wisconsin's Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) was vested with broad powers to ensure the insurance industry responsibly and adequately met the insurance needs of Wisconsin citizens.  Today, OCI's mission is to lead the way in informing and protecting the public and responding to its insurance needs.