Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF) - Overview

​​​Last U​pda​ted: April 3, 2024​
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​The Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund's (Fund) mission is to provide excess medical malpractice coverage to Wisconsin ​health care providers and to ensure that funds are available to compensate injured patients. The Fund was created by legislative enactment in 1975. Health care provid​ers obtain primary medical malpractice insurance from private insurance companies in an amount required by statute.

The Fun​d is governed by a ​13-member Board of Governors (Board). Administrative staff is provided by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance. Fund staf​f consists of an Insurance Program Manager, and six full-time employees. Staff ensures compliance with primary insurance requirements, billing and collection of assessments, and claims. The Fund contract​s with outside vendors for the following services: Claims Administration, Actua​rial Services, and Risk Management. Investments are managed by the State of Wisconsin Investment Board based on guidelines approved by the Board of Governors.​

The Fund operates on a fiscal year bas​is—July 1 through June 30. Administrative costs, operating costs, and claim payments are funded through assessments paid by participating health care providers.​​​​

IPFCF launched a new system​.

Learn more​ here​.​​​​​​​


Questions? Contact​ the F​und​ or call us at​ (608) 707-5481