IPFCF - Board of Governors

​Last Updated: January 7, 2025​​

​​​​​General Information​

The 13-member Board of Governors is chaired by the Commissioner of Insurance or their delegate. The board membership, as determined by s. 619.04 (3)​​, Wis. Stat.,​​ is comprised​​​ of:​

  • Three insurance industry representatives appointed by the Commissioner of Insurance
  • Four public members appointed by the governor (at least two of whom are not lawyers or doctors and are not professionally associated with any hospital or insurance company)
  • One member named by the Wisconsin Association for Justice, formerly the Wisconsin Academy of Trial Lawyers
  • One member named by the State Bar Association
  • Two members named by the Wisconsin​ Medical Society
  • One member named by the Wisconsin Hospital Association

​​Current Board Membership

Rebecca Easland, Deputy ​Commissioner of Insurance (Board Chair)
Carla Borda, Public Member
Hammad Haider-Shah, Public Member​
John Folk, Public Member
Vacant, Public Member
Susan Forray, Industry Representative
David Maurer, Industry Representative
Vacancy 1, Industry Representative
Jerome Hierseman, State Bar of Wisconsin
Eric Farnsworth, Wisconsin Association for Justice
Bud Chumbley, M.D., Wisconsin Medical Society
Timothy Crummy, M.D., Wisconsin Medical Society
Matthew Stanford, Wisconsin Hospital Association  ​


The Board is assisted by an Underwriting and Actuarial Committee, a Legal Committee, a Claims Committee, an Investment/Finance and Audit Committee, a Risk Management Committee, and a Peer Review Council. The Board and its committees meet quarterly.


Questions? Contact​ the F​und​ or call us at​ (608) 707-5481