Last Updated: March 27, 2025
Wisconsin's 1332 Waiver for State Innovation: Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan
Under the Affordable Care Act, pursuant to the 2017 Wisconsin Act 138
, OCI developed a 1332 Waiver for State Innovation Application allowing Wisconsin to leverage federal funding for a state-based reinsurance plan: the Healthcare Stability Plan (WIHSP).
A 1332 Waiver permits states to pursue innovative strategies to ensure residents have access to affordable health insurance options and to control costs.
On July 29, 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of the Treasury approved Wisconsin's 1332 Waiver application. The approval was effective as of January 1, 2019 and has been extended through December 31, 2028.
Below are links to the quarterly and annual reports, reinsurance amounts, application and approval letters, and other important materials related to the Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan.
Reinsurance Waiver Quarterly Reporting and Final Reports
* This final federal report also satisfies the state reporting requirement under Wis. Stat. s.601.85 (2).
** Data for the fourth quarter is compiled in the annual report.
2017 Wisconsin Act 138: Required Recommendation Report
The law that established the Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan also requires by December 31, 2018, the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance to submit to the governor recommendations on implementing a waiver under s. 601.83 (1) (b).
Estimated Reinsurance Amounts
The table below provides aggregate reinsurance amounts for claims paid through each quarter based on insurer responses to OCI's order for information under Wis. Stat. 601.42 in accordance with Wis. Stat. 601.83.
Each quarter is cumulative; the estimated reinsurance amount reported in Quarter 1 is included in the amount reported in Quarter 2.
2024 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts
| | |
Quarter 1
| |
Quarter 2
| $85,467,942.84
| |
Quarter 3
| $157,185,911.90
2023 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts
| | |
Quarter 1
| |
Quarter 2
| $68,793,621.13
| |
Quarter 3
| $127,638,895.00
Quarter 4
| $193,128,562.00
| |
2022 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts
| |
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
| |
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
*Individual insurer payments were reduced so that the total PY 2022 WIHSP claim total meets the statutory limit of $230 million.
2021 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts | | |
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
| |
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
$185,083,494.55 | |
2020 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts |
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
| |
Quarter 4
| |
2019 Estimated Reinsurance Amounts | |
Quarter 1
$14,765,951.00 | |
Quarter 2
$53,989,888.59 | |
Quarter 3 |
$100,842,381.94 | |
Quarter 4 |
$159,087,831.04 | |
Payment Parameters
The Commissioner of Insurance engaged a consulting and actuarial firm to assist OCI in developing its preliminary payment parameters consistent with Wis. Stat. 601.83 (2). After considering the data received by insurers and best estimates for enrollment, the Commissioner proposed the following payment parameters.
Reinsurance Parameters
Attachment Point
| $50,000
| $40,000
| $40,000
| $40,000
| $45,000
| $45,000
| $50,000
Coinsurance Rate
| 50%
| 50%
| 48%
| 50%
| 50%
| 48.28%
| 43%
Reinsurance Cap
| $250,000
| $175,000
| $175,000
| $175,000 | $141,685
| $142,000
| $157,471
Letter of Approval
The Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight:
Wisconsin 1332 Waiver Application:
Wisconsin 1332 Draft Waiver Application:
Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan Questions and Answers
Annual Public Forum 2024
Annual Public Forum 2023
Annual Public Forum 2022
Annual Public Forum 2021
Annual Public Forum 2020
Post Award Public Forum (5-7-2019)