Last Updated: January 14, 2025
Applying for an Individual Resident Insurance License
Download the
Wisconsin Candidate Information Bulletin for detailed information about the examination and licensing processes for obtaining a resident intermediary license.
If required by the license type, complete prelicensing education from a Wisconsin-approved education provider and obtain a certificate of prelicensing course completion to bring to your exam. View a list of
Prelicensing Providers and Course Offerings . Prelicensing course completion is valid for only one year.
Make a reservation with Fieldprint at for your digital fingerprinting. Fingerprinting information is valid for only 180 days. Use Fieldprint code
FPWIOCIINSURANCE when scheduling your appointment.
Contact PSI to schedule an exam reservation. The easiest way to register is online at
PSI WI exams or by phone 888-818-5805. Candidates may
click here to check for available appointments and locations before you register and provide payment.
Review the examination content outlines in the Wisconsin Candidate Information Bulletin . The content outlines are the basis for the exams. You can also find the exam content outlines in the
Candidate Information Bulletin above.
Practice tests are available and can be taken prior to taking your state exam.
You must bring two forms of identification and your prelicensing course completion certificate to the test center in order to take the exam. The exam score result(s) will be available immediately after completing the exam(s). Exam scores are only valid for six months.
Apply for your license via NIPR at or an NIPR authorized business partner. Choose the
license type that corresponds to the type of insurance you wish to sell. You must wait 48-72 hours after passing the examination for exam scores to be recorded with NIPR before you will be allowed to submit the electronic application.
If you cannot find the license type or line of authority (loa) you wish to apply for, make sure any previous order(s) are removed/deleted. Start the NIPR application process again, and your license type/loa should appear. If not, please contact NIPR Customer Service for assistance.
If you have administrative actions against you in any state—even if they are not recent—be sure to disclose them on the license application. Also disclose any child support or tax delinquencies, or any criminal charges or convictions. If you are unsure whether something needs to be reported, we encourage you to err on the side of reporting. You will avoid a license denial based on your failure to report.
Background questions supporting documents (BQSD) for any of the uniform background question on the application can be uploaded to the
BQSD Attachment Warehouse.
Additional licensing documents (ALD) related to an application can be submitted to the
Additional Licensing Documents.
Applications can be processed within 24 to 48 hours; however, if your application has been deferred to the state for further review, the processing time could be delayed.
Once your application has been submitted to the State of Wisconsin, you will have 90 days to submit any required information/requirements. Failure to supply the required documentation will cause your application to be CLOSED as EXPIRED. Fees are non-refundable.
If you applied for a license type in error, you will need to submit a written request to our office requesting the withdrawal of the application. The application process and the withdrawal of the application represent an administrative expense for the agency and, therefore, the fees are non-refundable.
Please refer to our Helpful Tips for Completing the Agent Licensing Application. Our office encourages companies, agents, and providers to refer to this document in order to help make the application process easier.
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Licensing Exemptions
The following persons are not required to obtain an intermediary license per
s. Ins 6.595(2), Wis. Adm. Code:
(a) A town mutual agent exempt from licensing under s. 628.03 (1), Stats., by s. 628.05 (1), Stats., includes an agent for a town mutual not authorized to insure members against loss to property by windstorm or hail insurance as provided in ss. 612.31 (2) (a) 3. and 612.33 (2) (a), Stats., who provides windstorm or hail insurance to the town mutual's members through an insurance policy issued by another authorized insurer operating on an assessment plan. The town mutual agent need not be licensed but the other insurer must list the agent and pay the listing fee in accordance with s. Ins 6.57.
(b) An officer, director or employee of an insurer or of an insurance producer, provided that the officer, director or employee does not receive any commission on policies written or sold to insure risks residing, located or to be performed in this state and any of the following apply:
The officer, director or employee's activities are executive, administrative, managerial, clerical or a combination of these, and are only indirectly related to the sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance.
The officer, director or employee's function relates to underwriting, loss control, inspection or the processing, adjusting, investigating or settling of a claim on a contract of insurance.
The officer, director or employee is acting in the capacity of a special agent or agency supervisor assisting insurance producers where the person's activities are limited to providing technical advice and assistance to licensed insurance producers and do not include the sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance.
(c) A person who secures and furnishes information for the purpose of group life insurance, group property and casualty insurance, group annuities, group or blanket accident and health insurance; or for the purpose of enrolling individuals under plans; issuing certificates under plans or otherwise assisting in administering plans; or performs administrative services related to mass marketed property and casualty insurance; where no commission is paid to the person for the service;
(d) An employer or association or its officers, directors, employees, or the trustees of an employee trust plan, to the extent that the employers, officers, employees, director or trustees are engaged in the administration or operation of a program of employee benefits for the employer's or association's own employees or the employees of its subsidiaries or affiliates, which program involves the use of insurance issued by an insurer, as long as the employers, associations, officers, directors, employees or trustees are not in any manner compensated, directly or indirectly, by the company issuing the contracts;
(e) Employees of insurers or organizations employed by insurers who are engaging in the inspection, rating or classification of risks, or in the supervision of the training of insurance producers and who are not individually engaged in the sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance;
(f) A person whose activities in this state are limited to advertising without the intent to solicit insurance in this state through communications in printed publications or other forms of electronic mass media whose distribution is not limited to residents of the state, provided that the person does not sell, solicit or negotiate insurance that would insure risks residing, located or to be performed in this state;
(g) A person who is not a resident of this state who sells, solicits or negotiates a contract of insurance for commercial property and casualty risks to an insured with risks located in more than one state insured under that contract, provided that that person is otherwise licensed as an insurance producer to sell, solicit or negotiate that insurance in the state where the insured maintains its principal place of business and the contract of insurance insures risks located in that state; or
(h) A salaried full-time employee who counsels or advises his or her employer relative to the insurance interests of the employer or of the subsidiaries or business affiliates of the employer provided that the employee does not sell or solicit insurance or receive a commission.
(i) Persons selling rental car insurance which is provided in connection with and incidental to the lease or rental of a motor vehicle which do not require a commercial license to operate for a total period of 90 consecutive days or less and not exceeding the lease or rental period. This exemption does not relieve the person of the requirement to reply to the commissioner under s. 601.42, Stats.
Reporting Requirements of an Intermediary (Agent)
All licensed agents in Wisconsin must report the following within 30 days per
s. Ins 6.61 (16), Wis. Adm. Code :
Except for action taken by the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, any formal administrative action against the intermediary taken by any state's insurance regulatory agency, commission or board or other regulatory agency which licenses the person for any occupational activity. The notification shall include a description of the basis for the administrative action and any action taken as a result of the proceeding, a copy of the notice of hearing and other documents describing the problem, a copy of the order, consent to order, stipulation, final resolution and other relevant documents.
Any initial pretrial hearing date related to any criminal prosecution of the intermediary taken in any jurisdiction, other than a misdemeanor charge related to the use of a motor vehicle or the violation of a fish and game regulation. The notification shall include a copy of the initial criminal complaint filed, the order resulting from the hearing and any other relevant legal documents.
Any felony conviction or misdemeanor conviction in any jurisdiction, other than a misdemeanor conviction related to the use of a motor vehicle or the violation of a fish and game regulation. The notification shall include a copy of the initial criminal complaint or criminal charging document filed, the judgement of conviction, the sentencing document, the intermediary's explanation of what happened to cause criminal proceedings, the intermediary's reasons why no action should be taken regarding the intermediary's license and any other relevant legal documents.
Any lawsuit filed against the licensee or the licensee's business in which there are allegations of misrepresentation, fraud, theft or embezzlement involving the licensee or the licensee's business. The notification shall include a copy of the initial suit documents, the intermediary's explanation of what happened to cause the civil proceedings, the intermediary's reasons why no action should be taken regarding the intermediary's license and any other relevant legal documents.
Reporting of Action (ROA) documentation can be uploaded to the ROA Attachment Warehouse or via email at
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