Updated Call Policy
| Our standard practice in Market Regulation is to try to return calls within 2 business days. If you left a voice message but have not heard back from us within 2-3 business days, please send an email including the general nature of the inquiry (i.e. health insurance question) the date of your prior call and a number where we can reach you. If you know your examiner’s name, you can email that person directly. If not, please send an email to ocicomplaints@wisconsin.gov and an examiner will respond to your inquiry. Thank you for your patience.
| (608) 266-3585 |
| (800) 236-8517 |
| (608) 264-8115 |
ocicomplaints@wisconsin.gov |
Mailing Address
| Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, P.O. Box 7873, Madison, WI 53707-7873
Walk-in Information
| View Consumer Affairs Walk-in FAQ
| Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Days Closed
| January 1 - New Year's Day January - Martin Luther King Junior's Birthday (third Monday) May - Memorial Day (last Monday) July 4 - Independence Day September - Labor Day (first Monday) November - Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday) December 24 - Christmas Eve December 25 - Christmas Day December 31 - New Year's Eve If January 1, July 4, or December 25 falls on Sunday, the office is closed on the following day.
*Email Policy: Please include your name, phone number, and email address when corresponding. Please note that email that you send us is not necessarily secure against interception. Therefore, please do not send us any email with sensitive information like your Social Security number. If you must provide us with such information, contact us in writing by U.S. Postal mail. Please note: All email received is checked for known viruses or for certain attachments that have been determined to be a risk. The attachments that are blocked have the following extensions: com, dll, exe, pif, scr, vbs.