Auto and Vehicle Insurance

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Learn about auto insurance and how to save money.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: March 23, 2021

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance provides financial protection for you and your family. Understand your auto insurance before you need it and learn how to find affordable coverage that is right for you.​​

Did you know that before the smartphone boom, auto insurance premiums were declining, but in 2010 insurance rates rose for the first time in six years and they continued to climb? Experts all point to distracted drivers as the cause of more frequent, more expensive accidents, resulting in higher insurance premiums. ​Do not drive distracted. ​ ​


Other Vehicles​

Boats, ATVs, and motorcycles are popular in Wisconsin with our many lakes, parks, trails, and scenic routes. It’s important to know the legal requirements for registration and insurance coverage in Wisconsin, as well as the recommended insurance coverage necessary to protect your purc​hase and your financial liability. Learn about insuring other vehicles here.​

We are here to help​​​​

Whether it is auto, health, home, or life insurance, our Consumer Affairs team is here to help you if you have a question or concern about your insurance policy or claim. 

Phone: ​(800) 236-8517 or (608) 266-3585​​​
File a Complaint
Ask a General Insurance Question​​​​​