Policy Form and Rate Filing Requirements

​​​​​​​​Last Updated: August 30, 2021

Filings are accepted via e​mail as well as SERFF. Please submit your rate and forms filings to ociratesforms@wisconsin.gov. All correspondence regarding filings is being handled electronically.

Please submit all Public Adjuster Contracts to ocipublicadjusters@wisconsin.gov. All correspondence regarding contract form filing is being handled electronically.

Dividend Filing Guidelines

Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission

The Interstate Insurance Compact (Compact) is an important modernization initiative that benefits state insurance regulators, consumers and the insurance industry. The Compact established a multi-state public entity, the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (IIPRC) which serves as an instrumentality of the Member States. The IIPRC serves as a central point of electronic filing for certain insurance products, including life insurance, annuities, disability income and long-term care insurance to develop uniform product standards, affording a high level of protection to purchasers of asset protection insurance products. We encourage insurance companies to submit filings through the Interstate Compact.

Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Comm​ission ​ ​​​

Comprehensive Health Rate and Form Filings (Individual and Small Group)

​Health Rate Filing (other than Comprehensive Health)

​Policy Form Filing Procedures and Forms

Policy Form Checklists

Property and Casualty Rate/Rule Filing

Public Adjuster Contract Filing Checklist


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